Fluval 125 Nano

i have two 1500LPH pumps and they are fine no dead spots. xenia can take over the tank :crazy: you can add more flow but your fishes and corals may get blasted around the tank. you may just need to buy 2 1500LPH pumps and get rid of the 3000LPH one, because with 2 powerheads you can even out the flow more. it just depends on what corals you are going to have if you are having sps corals you will need more flow. but soft corals dont need that much. im going to add some xenia to my tank some time next month. :good: some peoples xenia can grow twice the size in one month with low/med flow :good:
Harry I understand what your saying but my filter spray bar evens the flow for me, is not good to have a couple of places with less flow so you can put corals that dont like a lot of flow there.
i dont understand :blink: i thourght you had to have places in the tank with less flow so you can place coralst hat dont need as much flow there? but anyway if you want to add another powerhead then you can :good:
new update.... could not resist some knew corals today

Pulsing Xenia

White star

and a Medusa

by the way have you noticed how the photos have improved slightly, with great thanks to this forum, I found the thread on taking better photos (what a great thread :hyper: )

still not quite where I want them to be but I am playing with a bit of knowledge now :D

just to prove it I actually got a half decent pic of the clowns
minnie _me why dont you get a small tank like an orca tl 450 and have your own tank?
gandalf good to see you back, that white star looks like it should be pretty cool, ive not seen one before only morphs ive seen are green and orangy beige (frag exchange later me thinks :) ) the clowns are looking great, nice job!
gandalf good to see you back, that white star looks like it should be pretty cool, ive not seen one before only morphs ive seen are green and orangy beige (frag exchange later me thinks :) ) the clowns are looking great, nice job!

Sorgan this piece is around 3 x 4 inch with about 200 or so heads, so I could get you a piece as soon as I can read more about fragging these things safely and I feel comfortable to do it.

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