Fluval 125 Nano

hi ive got a quick question for ya im thinkin bout gettin a fluval 125 stand for my rio could u take a couple of pics of the inside of the stand if u can plz

As promised Liam



So I have got my self a cople of black clowns to go in my tank


They seem happy so far.
thanks i had a quick look at 1 in my lfs at the weekend and if i dont put the shelf bit in i can get a 30"sump in lol
Guys update....sorry its been a few weeks but busy as a bee.

Anyway I have now added a few things... CUC started with 3 x hermits (2 blue legs and think the other is a scarlet did ask for 3 blue, still bonus eh) and a couple of turbo snails, and recently have added Manuel my shrimp.

sorry pics aint great looking for a decent camera.

also have added 2 Damsel fish (1 never comes out) and a couple of star polyps, a button polip and a leather coral.

snail having a feast

and my favourite Leather

Oh almost forgot I have also got a tube feather (I think thats what they call it (memory is rubbish)

All doing fine so far the water seems stable on all measurements have not had any issues so far, I am doing a 10% water change on a weekly basis. (need more or less or as is???).

Today I have changed the lighting on the tank from T8's to a Halide 150w 14000K and also added some blue LED for the night time. (will get a pic of the tank with the blue on later when it comes on)

and that bring us up to date so far.

I am thinking of getting another shrimp and more snails any thoughts.
Thank's Harry no problem here you go and also added a shot with the blue light (bit blur though :angry: )

what would you suggest to get a bit of colour in there, I was thinking in the line of some yellow polyps or a pink colliflower or somthing on those lines, anything that is not green cus all I have is green apart from the leather.

I do have 1 issue guys my pipe feather has dropped out the back of the tube and just pops out the subtrate, should I try and put it back in the tube or will it be ok where it is?
have you been feeding the feather duster?
yer yellow polyps would be nice.
you could get some sps corals because you have a metal Halide.
or lps like plate corals im getting one you can get them in purple oranges and greens i think. the plate stay on the gravel.
Feather dusters find a new home when introduced to a system, he will eventually build a new tube from bits of sand and LR rubble.
As for more colour zoa's come in an infinite amount of colour morphs and many other corals come in a various flavours. Stand back and watch for a while you may be suprised with the stuff that continues to appear.
Yes Harry I have been using "Salifert - Coral Food" recommended by the LFS, I must say thouh since it has been in the subtrate it does come out a lot more than when it was in the tube.

I have seen an orange plate so that may be an option
Feather dusters find a new home when introduced to a system, he will eventually build a new tube from bits of sand and LR rubble.
As for more colour zoa's come in an infinite amount of colour morphs and many other corals come in a various flavours. Stand back and watch for a while you may be suprised with the stuff that continues to appear.

Thanks Sorgan that is useful to know about the feathers,

The Zoa's I know what you mean I have seen some real beutes out there.

Xenia is another 1 I have been looking at but I am not sure I have enough flow for them
i think they just grow slower when they have less flow? you dont need that much for them i dont think.
I have a 3000lt power head plus the filter bar which is giving good circulation but I would not of thought it would be ideal for Xenia, yes it would be adequate but I realy think I need a second power head.

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