Fluval 125 Nano


Fish Fanatic
Feb 7, 2010
Reaction score
Birmingham UK
Hi all,

This is my first attempt at Salty, sry I havent done this from the very beggining but I can now bring you up to date as to where I have got to and hopefully you guys will put me right as to where I go wrong.

The Tank its sef is a Fluval 125ltr which had 2xT8 lighting 1x Power Glo and 1x Aqua Glo, have now replaced the Aqua with another Power Glo, so running 2x Power Glo.

Filtration I am running the Tetratec EX1200 with ceramics, bio balls, sponge and also have left the carbon in for now, (not sure whether to keep or not, various info comming my way).

Skimmer I will be running is a V2 300 compact, recommended by the LFS if you guys have had experience with this let me here it good or bad.

Subtrate I have put in Argonite around 15kg, covers the bottom around 0.5" to 0.75"


Today I have purchased 12kg ish of LR £100


also a plant of some sort which the LFS said would help contain the Nitrate spike £24


placing the LR in the tank was tricky to get the look I liked, first I tried putting it all in one pile but it just didnt look right for me (sry no pic). :sad:
Then I tried spreading it along the bottom, :huh:


But no this didnt work either, so after moving the heater to the side wall of the tank this is what I decided to stick with. :good:


and that brings me up to date so far, it has taken me around 3 wks to get to here with no hic ups as yet, but I do believe that this is where the fun begins. :)

I am now currently working on a stocking list which I will let you know as soon as I can settle on what I would like to have, so suggestions please for Clean up crew, inverts and fish.

Dont know wheather to just stick with clowns, will all clown types get along with each other or not,

look forward to your help along the way,

Looks great, I am thinking about getting the v2 300 compact, how have you fit yours? i am hoping that i can fit it on the side and then just have to cut the flap a bit to accomadate it.

I really like the rock layout :good:

What plant is that the lfs got you to buy? One major tip: Never put anything in your tank that you havent researched before hand - the plant will certainly not 'contain' the nitrate spike!! However if it is as Adam suggests it will help long term with water quality :good:

So the fun of pet rock watchimg begins and the wait for your cycle starts - woo hoo

Seffie x

ps one more thing - that background has got to go :p most of us use either blue or black - black tends to help hide wires and pumps etc a bit better
Nice neat looking start.

id go for a plain backgrowund if i were you though so as not to distract the eye from your stock.

A pair of small clowns would go nice in there (occelaris or percula) then you would have room for something else aswel.
Looks great, I am thinking about getting the v2 300 compact, how have you fit yours? i am hoping that i can fit it on the side and then just have to cut the flap a bit to accomadate it.


Adam It fits by simply hanging on the tank, but if you have got lift off hood plates it wont fit on the side, due to the intake and out let pipes are fixed and they only reach around 1", so as you can see I have put mine on the rear and all I had to cut out of the lid was the access to the adjuster (1"square).
ps one more thing - that background has got to go :p most of us use either blue or black - black tends to help hide wires and pumps etc a bit better

Seffie I must say that I agree with you and my kids are already argueing for it to stay, Wait and see who wins. :hey:
A pair of small clowns would go nice in there (occelaris or percula) then you would have room for something else aswel.

I was thinking having the Black Clowns but again kids want nemo (I think this would be easier if I got rid of the kids :good:).

Oh forgot the plant, it is Caulerpa Algea which I do believe is used in many sump filters. Should be ok as long as I keep it in trim.
tell your kids to shut up and its your tank and you put/do what you like with it. lol
ahh, so it doesnt fit on the side? from the measurements i got off TMC's website it should do :unsure:

it will depend on the hood you have and if you have any framework around the top, it may well fit but for me it was easier to mount it at the rear (very little tank mutillation)
That algae wants to be watched and trimmed fanatically a friend of mine showed me a picture of his tank when caulepra went feral, it looked like a green block with a fish pressed into the side.

If you have a means of keeping it isolated(sump or refugium) it can go wild to it's hearts content if not keep some scissors handy.

should help keep other algae problems down though :)
Sorgan thank you for that I will keep a close eye on it to the point I had a look today and I have found an Hitch hiker. an invert of some sort I am trying to find it on the internet without much luck, as it is not in any of my books.

This was not there yesterday when I checked the water stats, any way here is a pic if someone can point me in the right direction then I may be able to keep it else it will die through ignorance. :/


at the moment this around 1" diameter and stands about the same.
Majona anemone - the have a potent sting so most people get rid of them if they are keeping a reef as they will multiply and kill most things in their way!!

Seffie x

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