Fluttermoth's Tank


The current Mrs Treguard ;)
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Sep 6, 2010
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Well; here's some pics of the 240l tank I have at the end of my bed :)




And as promised some closer shots of the coal for waterdrop :)

Coal plus nosey Ram;



For some reason everyone wanted to be in this one!

I really like that, I;m a huge fan of vallis unfortunately I can;t have any at moment due to my Uarus who eat the last lot I bought

I really like the coal as well the cardinals look superb against it. does that effect the water params in any way?
Thank you for your comments, peeps :D

I still don't think the pictures do it justice, tbh :blush:

They're not cardinals; they're green neons; I try and keep red out of my tanks; red and orange remind me of goldies, lol! (Nothing against goldies, but they were all I was allowed to have growing up as trops were "too expensive and too delicate"; if I'm having trops, I want them to look like trops!)

Coal doesn't affect water params; this tank is filtered rainwater for the Rams and is a constant 6.6 pH; it used to drift up to 7.2 or .4 until I changed the substrate; you can still see some of the old stuff as paler bits against the blacker stuff where I didn't get it all out :rolleyes:

Vallis, I find to be funny stuff; it doesn't like being moved really; if you find a place where it's happy it'll go mad, if not it just dies off. I've a feeling that might be Sagittaria of some kind though, although I don't think even that would stand a chance against Uaru ;)
there is some Sag in your tank, however that is definatly vallis at the back right. Looks nice.
love it ! really like the way the vallis trails acroos the surface .

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