Flouride in the water


Fish Fanatic
Sep 22, 2003
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Northamptonshire UK
In the UK there is a move to introduce flouride into the domestic tap water supply. Does anyone know how this will affect the fish? I cant see it being good for them (apart from the ones with teeth).
I don't know about fluoride but our local water supplier in their infinite wisdom are introducing chloramine into our mains supply in 2 days. They didn't even tell people about it, not even our LFS's. I can just imagine the trouble this is going to cause up here. :grr:
They dont seem to see all the implications concerned......if you want kids to have healthy teeth .....BRUSH THEM!!!!!!!!
>>> They didn't even tell people about it, not even our LFS's. (Chloramine)

That is bad. Mid Southern Water, (Hampshire), used to put adverts in the papers, notices in LFS's and direct mailings to aquarist societies and individuals registering on a mailing list.
In the States we have had chlorine and chloramines in our water probably as long as I have been alive (which at 21 is not that long I admit). I just use a water conditioner like Stresscoat. It takes care of the chloramines. I don't think we have flouride in our water but I still have my teeth with no cavities after a childhood of not brushing so they might be there. If it is there it hasn't effected my fish at all.
Don't panic, guys. We've had flouride in our water for the last 20 years. I've been keeping fish during this time and they don't seem to mind. Not to mention the lfs's have had it all this time, too.

As for teeth, I took care of my teeth as a child (when flouride wasn't available) and I have cavities with fillings. My children do not and have healthy teeth.

Hope you feel better, now. :)
Thanks for the replies guys....its a bit worrying when you have a collection of fish that they can change the water at the drop of a hat....thats the UK government all over though!!!!
That is bad. Mid Southern Water, (Hampshire), used to put adverts in the papers, notices in LFS's and direct mailings to aquarist societies and individuals registering on a mailing list

hmmmm, better start reading the local papers then :)
aberdeen aquarist said:
I don't know about fluoride but our local water supplier in their infinite wisdom are introducing chloramine into our mains supply in 2 days. They didn't even tell people about it, not even our LFS's. I can just imagine the trouble this is going to cause up here. :grr:
So how did you find out?

I may nip over to United Utilities web site and see if there's any info there.

Don't tap water conditioners remove chlorine and chloramine?
From earlier discussion I think a lot of them do but its worth reading the bottle. I use Haloex and it definately states it removes both.
I'm not worried about thje chlorine its the flouride Im worried about....I heard it on the radio.....apparently the dentist are saying its a good thing.....I'm not so sure!
So how did you find out?
njparton : I was told by another fishkeeper who had just been visited by a vet to check on his fish house as part of getting his import licence, and also by an lfs owner who had been phoned by the local paper to get his opinion on the subject ( not much that he said was printable mind you) and straight afterwards got on the phone to the water board to be told that it was true.

phase2 : is this a hint for everyone to start keeping piranas? :lol:
:no: I think its a disgrace that they can do this without the public being told. Most people will say its a good thing....and maybe it wont be too bad for fishes but we should be told.

Is there and Flouride Testing kits available????
Hiya guys,
I'm a dentist, and 18 months down the line, most of us are STILL fighting for this fluoride move...this is as much as I know at the moment...
There ARE areas within the UK (and other parts of the world I expect) which have NATURAL fluoride in the tap water supply. There are ALSO areas within the UK (and again, other parts of the world) which have fluoridated tap water (such as Birmingham) - I grew up in an area which was fluoridated, but has since withdrawn it. It is a COMPLETELY political issue, which brings along with it some litigation issues, due to the water companies not wanting to be held responsible for anything . Up to date...the government have stated that they will deal with any future litigation issues, which leaves the water boards to decide whether they put fluoride into our water, as long as they liase with the local councils etc. What the government HAVEN'T stated (yet) is how this public contact will take place etc... So I haven't heard of anything positive come out of it yet...but if (most) dentists have their way, there should be one day...maybe... In my opinion, something that's keeping the public from fighting for it with us, is lack of education...which again, in my opinion, should be tackled first.

Fishwise, I must admit that I don't have any sound evidence either way...but knowing that there IS fluoride in some UK areas, and in other countries, I can't imagine it's very harmful for them at all. After all, we're talking about a MINUTE amount of it.

That's as simple as I can put it...there are a lot of other issues, but I won't go into them...unless you ask me too!

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