Flourescent Light & Tetras


New Member
Apr 16, 2004
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Hi Guys,

I've left my flourescent light off for a while, due to there being lots of sunlight about, but now, whenever I turn the light on again, all of my fish dash off and hide behind something big, and stay there permanently until I switch the light off again.

I've tried replacing the harsh white tube with a special pinkish tropical flourescent tube, but it has the same effect.

My plants are starting to die off so I was wondering if there was any gentler way to add light to my aquarium! I'm already using the miracle beam system, but I was thinking possibly a blue or UV tube? I've seen them used at commercial aquariums, but i'm not sure if they're commonly available!

Any help much appreciated :)

do you turn the room light on before the tank light?
sounds like a silly question I know but despite the amount of sunlight your tank gets the fish will have adjusted to that light and I expect the entensity of the tank light gives them a bit of a shock when it comes on :p
Try turning the room light on for a minute or two then turn on the tank light - that way there isn't a sudden light increase that may spook your fish.

I don't know if that helps or not

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