Florida Gars!!


Fish Fanatic
May 7, 2004
Reaction score
Near Grimsby
We have had such a great shopping trip at our favourite fish store today ( Wharf Aquatics in Pinxton near Nottingham). We ended up with a beautiful Polypterus, we kind of expected we`d fall in love with them when we saw they had them on the web site.
What we didn`t expect was that we`d come home with 2 x 16" Florida/ Spotted Gars. They are absolutely stunning and they are currently in with the mbu and Perruno cat. Hamish our mbu adores them, finally someone that swims around in the tank!! They are all swimming together and the gars had a hard time recently being bullied ( hence them ending up back at the store) so they are glad for any company which doesn`t hurt them.
Our mbu really is so gentle and loves to swim with other fish. We just can`t wait to upgrade the tank to an 8ft x 3ft.
Just wanted to share this joyous day, they are stunning creatures so i will hopefully get pictures posted in the next couple of weeks.
I wish I had a Mbu Puffer! But sadly, my 55 gallon is going to be my last fish tank until i'm done with my entire length of school. But, when I get my own place, I hope I can get a tank big enough for a Mbu. The Gars sound cool! :) The Mbu really doesn't mind them being with him? :eek: I'll be looking forward to the pictures! :D
Doesn`t mind being with them? He adores the company. He does this thing with his mouth, opening it and making it round then squishing up his nose and putting hos fin out the water to make waves and ripples! I already have pictures of him on page 2 of the members fish pictures section if you want to see. They are titled Clares pictures.
I have heard mixed reports, either they are or they aren`t, depending on the individual. I am aware that he could change at any time, but i believe that everyone knows their own fish and it just isn`t in his nature, besides, you should see the size of his belly, he is well fed!!!
We too came home from out LFS today with an unexpected new purchase.

For the first time ever, we saw some Fahakas for sale.. only eleven quid each.

We bought the fattest and brought her home.

Her name is Martha Fahaka.

She is just under three inches long and has not yet developed her bad attitude towards tankmates ( she was in with five siblings at the LFS) so she's in with our Dragons and our Brown untill payday, when she gets a tank all of her own.

Thankfully, our guppies have just spawned again, so there's plenty of food around, I understand that fahakas have a HUGE appetite!

Here's Martha

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