Floating Plants (Mini Frogbit?)

What it look like from a side view of the tank?
It looks just like frogbit, ie it has roots that dangle down, just a lot smaller than the amazon frogbit (which I have also kept in the past). For info on 'big' frogbit, if you shorten the roots, it can help the leaves grow bigger - leave them long and the leaves don't get as big.

Updated list :
  • timmystood
  • kiriyama
  • always4lora
  • Ethan040
  • liana_y2kuk
  • Tortea
  • Nick16 (Collection)
  • ChrisChrisChris
  • fishyfeet
I haven't forgotten and have more than enough for you all, but with the weather and the lack of postal services, I won't be posting it until this bout of bad weather has gone.
I'll be back in touch with you all when the weather is more amiable.
Many apologies, but I'm going to withdraw the offer on these plants - I have had, over the past couple of weeks, an almost complete wipeout of my tank stock, and have lost nearly all my catfish, including my two prized jaguar cats (Liosomadoras oncinus). I am still not sure what caused it, and have been treating with myxazin/salt and doing huge water changes, but have now started to lose the congo tetras, so for this reason, I cannot willingly sell/give away any plants from this tank incase it is an infection of some description and would not willingly risk passing it on to anyone else.
Apologies to all concerned.

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