Floating Plants (Easy To Difficult)


Global Moderator ⚒️
Sep 24, 2005
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I have Lemna spp (duckweed), Phyllanthus fluitans, Pistia stratiotes, Salvinia natans and Spirodela polyrhiza growing in my tanks right now. I almost always have Pistia, and the rest depends on how they're doing.
Lemna: £1 for 20×10 cm bit
Phyllanthus fluitans: £1 for small handful
Pistia stratiotes: £1 for 5 small plants
Pistia stratiotes: FREE large plants.
Salvinia natans: £1 for 10×15 cm
Spirodela polyrhiza (beautiful giant duckweed, from 60 litre tank): £1 for 20 ×10 cm bit
Postage at cost £0.80-£4 depending on plants.
Payment by bank transfer, Postal Order, Paypal, cash (buyer covers all fees).
sreeve40 said:
Do you have anything 'easy' left?
 Lemna , Salvinia, Pistia and  Sprirodela are "easy".
Lemna will survive almost anything.
Pistia and Spirodela benefit from lighting quite a bit and Pistia likes heated tanks best (over 16°C/60°F).
I grow Salvinia under bright lighting, so it will take time to adjust to medium lighting, otherwise can be kept alongside Pistia in terms of what it likes.
Phyllanthus (which I've just realised I misspelt in the original post) likes lots of light and iron.
do you still have plants for sale?
I have a neverending supply of Pistia and I still have plenty of Lemna and Spirodela. FYI, the Spirodela is currently coming out of my 60 litre tank that's linked to from my sig and a fry tank.
Hi all, I'm breaking down my display tank this weekend and need to pass some of the Pistia onto new homes. Large plants are *free* for the moment, but postage for those will be £4 because they're too big to go as anything other than a packet!
how much for everything in the display tank....but no duckweed!!
Nutbeam said:
how much for everything in the display tank....but no duckweed!!
I'm not selling everything from it as it will be re-set up in about a week. Just need to cut down on the Pistia. It's £4 for up to a 1 kg packet or whatever will fit into a "small package" box as the plants are free. If you want them, PM me ASAP because I'm draining the tank right now and don't have anywhere to put the extra plants other than the bin (or a bucket until Monday).
I *cannot* guarantee that there's no duckweed as there was some about when I first set the tank up a couple of years ago.

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