Floating fish for some time


New Member
Feb 18, 2006
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This guys been floating on one side for at least 6 weeks now..at times he seems weak...at times he seems strong enough to swim up and eat....we just don't know whats wrong

:-( :-( :-(

Sounds like a swin bladder problems, he's not sounding to good, does he look bloated, what do you feed the fish, is he heavy breathing.
Best change your topic title :sly:
(I see it's been done now :) )

You've let your fish float on it's side for six weeks ? :/ As Wilder says - sounds like swimbladder problems.
i feed him regular flake food...no breathing problems..doesn't really look bloated i can be wrong tho....seems strong...like when he sees me coming he bounces around...laying mostly on his right side

what do you mean LET ? why are you forum people always so quick to judge or criticize...

anyhoo....it is my pops fish...he;s been caring for it ...i'm a noobie dont know nothing....but even my pops is stumped...no idea what to do..
Well just feeding flakes can lead to constipation and swim bladder problems, i would try some shelled peas and frozen daphnia, and introduce some frozen foods into there diet like bloodworms,river strimp, brimestrimp, daphnia, plus some veg.
What fish is it.
i willl do just that

but in the meantime what should i do about his condition?

his breed ? hhmm...have to get bak to u on that one..for now its a gourami....
Prone to bacterial infections, once swim bladder has progressed there isn't alot to be done, but i would get started on some shelled peas, cook frozen peas for a few minutes, let cool down, pop out of shell, and mush it up between fingers and add to the tank.
Get some frozen daphnia as it helps the fish to digest there food, good luck.
-All respect to Bloozoo she has answered a couple of my questions in the past

When on these forums you have to remember that a lot of these people have been keelping fish for a long time and are relatively fanatic about the hobby (as I am). I applaud you for actually caring enough to consult an online resource to try and find ot what is wrong with your fish in the first place.

Stay active in the forum it will benefit your fish and you will learn a lot.

Good luck with your fish and welcome to the forums

-All respect to Bloozoo she has answered a couple of my questions in the past
Thanks Carl :)

g-Star, Sorry if I came across annoyed, but that topic title (as it was before) was completely unnecessary (and actually rude). And would have put people off trying to answer/help you :/

Apologies too if I seemed to jump to a conclusion - but it did seem that this is the first time you enquire about your fish - and that the fish has been floating for 6 weeks.
I see now that it's not actually your fish and that you're obviously concerned about it - and in hindsight realise you may even have possibly asked on another forum; without help.

Anyway, sorry I can't help - I've never dealt with swim bladder before but I know Wilder has (long term) - and would definitely know best :)

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