Flickering Light Question

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Mostly New Member
Sep 9, 2013
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Hi All,
I have one of those fluroescent light tubes in my tank, but it started flickering (quite noisily) the other day.  It has been off ever since (I thought the quick extres of light/dark - like a strobe light - would scare the fish otherwise).
From other people's experience with tube lights, do you think this is the starter motor (on the power pack) starting to give up, or the actual neon light tube itself?  I don't want to buy one and find that the problem is with the other.
Many thanks for any help !
It sounds like the tube has gone to be honest.
If you look at the tube can you see any marks or dark areas either end of it as per below?
Apart from the slight grey areas do you have any black or blue marks. Looking at the photo it does not look to bad. It could be the starter or the control gear. I'd try the starter first.
Hi Lunar.
Yes, there are some dark areas around the ends of the tube - I guess it is the tube then that is likely to be the culprit.  I will try that first (and keep the receipt just in case I need to return it and get a starter motor!)

Dave - the picture was one from Lunar - it is not my tube in the pic - but thanks for giving me a point of reference in that Lunar's doesn't look too bad.
Thank you both for your replies!
I went for just the light in the end ... and that did the trick. Seeing the pic with the dark ends, and then seeing what a brand new tube looked like, I thought I would take the risk on a new light - and voila !!!  Good new lighting for the fish (RCS and plants!).
I also ended up buying some bloodworms for the danio's as a treat, so everyone is a winner 
sbenbow said:
I went for just the light in the end ... and that did the trick. Seeing the pic with the dark ends, and then seeing what a brand new tube looked like, I thought I would take the risk on a new light - and voila !!!  Good new lighting for the fish (RCS and plants!).
I also ended up buying some bloodworms for the danio's as a treat, so everyone is a winner 
Good news then. It usually is the tube that goes. I've been keeping fish now for over 25 years and never once had to replace a faulty starter motor. I think it far more likely that a tube will be the culprit for this type of problem than a faulty starter motor. I'm not saying starter motors are faultless but is usually the tube that goes.

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