

Fred and the Fredettes
Oct 3, 2006
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London, UK
I fed my neighbours cats over the weekend and both times i came out of there with tiny black creatures all over the bottom of my trousers, they were jumping around, i can only assume they are flea's?

Anyway i tried to shake off all the ones i could see, but this morning, i have about x3 bites.

I am going to wash my bedding and sofa cover

With me only having fish as pets, will the fleas in my flat just die out? do they need a dog or a cat to survive?

Do i need to "de-flea" my whole flat? I hope not!!!

Well, they will just die
I would just shake some flea powder on the carpet, leave then hover up, just to be safe.
unfortunately they wont die. They can lay eggs which can stay dorment for years. The most common flea is the cat flea which is found on hedgehogs, dogs and cats. They feed on dogs and cats and then drop off in order to lay eggs.
Most house flea products are highly toxic to fish and birds so care should always be taken.
The only time i would advise a flea collar is to put in your hoover, its an enclosed area and will have some effect if you suck any up. Fleas are evil and love the house because its warm.
strong direct sunlight will kill flea eggs, so if you dry your bedding and sofa cover in the sun for as long as possible after washing them, it might help. Also, not sure if you can get it where you live, but in Aus we have a product called Malawash. It's a concentrate that you can dilute 1:20 and spray all over everything (carpets, matresses etc) and use in the washing machine to kill the eggs and any remaining living fleas. It's quite nasty though, so you'd need to be careful around your tanks and any pet birds (as mentioned above), and also with getting the undiluted concentrate on your skin.
strong direct sunlight will kill flea eggs, so if you dry your bedding and sofa cover in the sun for as long as possible after washing them, it might help. Also, not sure if you can get it where you live, but in Aus we have a product called Malawash. It's a concentrate that you can dilute 1:20 and spray all over everything (carpets, matresses etc) and use in the washing machine to kill the eggs and any remaining living fleas. It's quite nasty though, so you'd need to be careful around your tanks and any pet birds (as mentioned above), and also with getting the undiluted concentrate on your skin.

we live in the uk and dont know the meaning of bright sunlight :shout: :shout:

best thing to do force your neibour to get his cat a flea collar and get flea powder and clean your flat out

cheers dane
Tell the neiighbour to get some frontline you can buy it online, wash the cats bedding.
The cat will have scabs on its body if its infested with fleas, poor thing.
I'm glad I found this!
Can anyone reccomend a good house spray? No fleas on the cat, as he is up to date with the frontline, but the rest of us are being eaten alive. I only sprayed the house in July with RIP spray, its meant to last for 12 months!
Also how long do I need to keep the fish tank covered, and the hamsters out for?

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