flat worms


Fish Gatherer
Dec 1, 2006
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The Goodeid Room
unto recently I didn't know there was land species of flat worm this is the third one i found in my fish room this year as you can see a lot larger than the aquarium type.
Aren't they cool? I occasionally find them flipping logs, they're a fascinating animal. Even aquatic are pretty cool in their own right as well.
If it's a leech, don't let that go in you tank...
It's Kontikia ventrolineata An Australian flatworm
They are fascinating creatures I cut the worm in half It's gone it's separate ways.

still looks like a leech.

I went into the King River in Albany some years back and came out covered in leeches. Awful things.
till looks like a leech.
I was going to say the same at first, but I'm not seeing the tail sucker I would expect for the ones that look similar to that. So that does say weird flatworm.

Where in the room was it found? Or was it directly on/near a HOB filter or something similar where it can get perpetual moisture without being submerged? There are pretty large, invasive terrestrial flatworms where I live (the hammerhead ones) but they require pretty wet conditions without going fully underwater. If I found one anywhere in my house, even near an aquarium, I'd be looking for plumbing leaks!
I know there are groups concerned about invasive flat worms in the UK. A quick search discovered there are around 14 species of flatworm in the UK of which only 4 are native.
This site has an ID guide to them
I've only seen the worms climbing on the walls in my fish room I have not found any of them in my fish tanks.

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