Flash the Backwards-Fishie!


Sep 3, 2003
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In My Own Little World
:lol: Flashy continues to amaze me. he was the ugly boy i bought for my science project about a month ago, and i mean ugly, in his cup he was all brown and clamped and icky, but the only one to respond to my finger. when i brought him home and got him in clean water under a desklamp he came to life. he's got the wild-coloration going on.

he's also backwards! he's Mr. Scaredy-Cat and bars up at every little thing and even hides from his food until he's sure it's really food. he puffs out his gills in surprise when i come into the room, and hides when i get too close to his tank.

today, he's decided he wants to be Sick-Fishie, and gets finrot (d'oh! :X) on his ridiculously oversized tail, just the tips are frayed. perhaps he's trying to be Pierce? anyhoo, he's Backwards now!

Sick-Fishie rule is to be sick and look pitiful and whine, Flash does the opposite. his 'bubblenest', which was really just bubbles scattered EVERYWHERE, is huge and together and everything. he's active now, flared at my finger and attacked his bloodworms, and didn't bar when the lights went *POOF*

i own a Backwards-Fishie! :lol:
aww hehe take good care of the lil trooper. hehe what do you mean by he didnt bar??? ~dEx :*
Nice name: Flash Backwards... It almost sounds like that phrase when someone did something in reverse..... :lol: :p :lol: :p :huh:
Maybe you should just call him Hsalf (flash backwards...get it? :lol: :rolleyes: )

I think most bettas have their own idiosyncrisies. :nod: :nod:
All i can think when i read this post is "Flash Gordan's alive?!"

I'm sure he will be fine flare, all bettas will react differently to things, he sounds like my huey, he flares at food and my finger if I put it in the water too!
Dex, have you ever seen a stripey Betta? one with long horizontal stripes running the body on a normal colored Betta, or just the head on a dark or light one? that's fear/submission barring, and that's was Flashy does whenever something weird goes on!

so today he's all nice and healed again, the nest is gone, and he ran away from me. :fun:
BettaBoyz said:
Dex, have you ever seen a stripey Betta? one with long horizontal stripes running the body on a normal colored Betta, or just the head on a dark or light one? that's fear/submission barring, and that's was Flashy does whenever something weird goes on!

so today he's all nice and healed again, the nest is gone, and he ran away from me. :fun:
Horizontal stripes mean high stress for the betta. :crazy:
actually, horizontal bars are for fear and submission too. female Bettas get them when they're scared of other Bettas, and males too ^^ i think Flash is just a wee bit melodramatic because he bars when the lights go on or off, but never at any other time.

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