
flaring is totally normal for a betta to do. Some flare more than others.
Is it good or bad? Well, like shrks1fan said continual flaring may tire the little bugger out.
Is it ok to have my betta tank next to my community tank?

he flares at the other fish every now and then and he doesnt seem to not like it.
i would think that it's fine.....i have my room set up so that all of my betta's can see at least 1 other betta. all of them, except the ones on the end of my dresser see 2...they flare when they feel like it....and if they don't want to, then they just don't. i think after a while, they realize that they are never going to get to the fish they're flaring at, so they don't do it as often....but still here and there to try and show off.

most people say that after a while, they just stop flaring and get bored with the other fish.....well, too bad that don't apply to my betta dragon! had him for over 6 months, and he is still vigourisly flaring at his neighbors. :D

so, no....flaring isn't really bad. if they really wanted to, or if it bothered them so much, then they have the power to look away and stop whenever they want. :thumbs:

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