Flaring Too Much?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 9, 2006
Reaction score
Vancouver area, BC, Canada
I've been keeping the lights off in my 10 gallon as when i switch them on, Rocco (my only betta) swims up and down the length of the tank at the back flaring - i'm guessing he can see his reflection. I've tried this without the background and he does the same thing. I'd like to leave the light on during the evening so i can see him, but i don't want him stressed out or flaring too much (is that possible?). Would it be ok to leave the light on like this for a few hours at a time?
Bettas can flare too much, it can wear them out and sometimes they blow their tail - it splits.

Maybe put some plants around the edges, or a bubble wall so his reflection is partially broken up?
I've put plants around the outside, although he just goes between them :rolleyes: Didn't really consider a bubblewall though as i was thinking of the water movement. I think i might move him into the 2 gallon i currently have baby zebras in (after they move out), and turn the 10 gallon into a cummunity. Rocco is only using the corner of the tank the heater is in at the moment anyway, desptite the temp being really high 70s in there.
Yeh I think one of my vt-Snowball flared so much he's got a gimp gill . . . .

But he's not affected by it. . . but still yeh they can flare too much.

I would say that you're okay to let Rocco flare for a couple minutes as exercise but not hours. . ya know??

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