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Thank you for your inquiry about Jungle® products. We are happy that you have chosen our products to use in your aquarium to help you maintain the best possible environment for your fish and plants.
The CO2 that is released by the CO2 Fizz Tablet leaves the water at the same rate as CO2 dissolved into the water via any other means. It boosts
CO2 levels after dissolving, the CO2 levels then slowly fall off over time. Most plants do fine with this system and do not need a constant increased level of CO2. Below is some more information on the CO2 Fizz Factory and Tablets and their use.
The CO2 Fizz Factory provides an affordable source of supplemental carbon for your aquatic plants, is beneficial for aquarium plant photosynthesis, increases carbon dioxide in aquarium water for plants, and offers and easy setup and treatment schedule. With the right amount of carbon and an adequate light supply, photosynthesis becomes more active, allowing aquatic plants to readily absorb nutrients. The Fizz Factory is ideal for 5- to 40-gallon aquariums. CO2 Fizz Tabs are for use with the Jungle® Plant Care Solutions CO2 Fizz Factory. They are fast dissolving, premeasured tablets that make caring for aquarium plants quick, easy and convenient.
Why aquarium plants need CO2
Carbon dioxide is most important for plants during photosynthesis and is essential for vigorous aquatic plant growth. In nature, aquatic plants receive carbon dioxide from several sources found in their environment.
In an enclosed ecosystem like an aquarium, however, there are not enough sources of carbon dioxide, especially for a densely planted tank.
Although some CO2 is produced by fish respiration and the decomposition of organics, it is still limited. So, supplemental CO2 helps plants in an aquarium to assimilate the nutrients in the water that surrounds them. If the right amount of CO2 is present with an adequate light supply, then photosynthesis will be more active, allowing the plants to readily absorb more nutrients from the water. Jungle® Plant Care Solutions products make it easy and affordable to provide your aquatic plants the supplemental carbon they need to grow into lush, green foliage in your planted aquarium. Just follow the easy, step-by-step instructions, and you'll be growing a jungle of beautiful plants in no time!
Using your CO2 Fizz Factory
Fill the reaction vial with tap or tank water (approximately 3 oz.) up to the fill line. Connect the 10" airline tubing from the top of the reaction vial to the airline tube connector that is already attached to the 10" airline tubing from the chamber.
Stand the reaction vial upright on a flat surface (such as the aquarium hood), drop in one CO2 Fizz Tab, close the lid immediately and watch it fizz! The tablet completely dissolves in two minutes, producing CO2 gas that moves through the tubing and into the holding chamber. After the tablet dissolves and no more fizzing or bubbling is visible, the reaction vial along with its 10" airline tubing can be detached.
The CO2 gas in the holding chamber will slowly dissolve into the aquarium water, providing a valuable source of carbon for your plants.
Each tablet produces 350 cc of CO2. The holding chamber is designed to capture up to 450 cc of CO2. Therefore, using more than one fizz tab at a time will only overfill the holding chamber resulting in a loss of benefit from a second tablet.
After each use, the excess liquid may remain in the reaction vial, which will help accelerate CO2 production during subsequent uses. Additional water should be added up to the fill line (3 oz.) before each use. If too much white sediment collects in the reaction vial, rinse it out.
CO2 Fizz Factory Tips
The CO2 Fizz Factory should be used when tank lights are on. This is when plants photosynthesize and produce oxygen, and the need for a carbon source is at its greatest. When it's dark, plants give off CO2, and there is no need for an additional CO2 source. To maintain optimal
CO2 levels, reduce aeration during daytime hours.
CO2 should not be added to aquariums with very soft, low alkalinity water. Aquarium water must have alkalinity levels of at least 50 ppm or more before using the CO2 Fizz Factory to guard against the possibility of large swings in pH.
Raising CO2 levels in aquarium water to benefit plants will not hurt other organisms in your aquarium, such as fish. Only extreme levels (40 ppm and above) can become toxic. Anything below 30 ppm is safe and plants nee 10 - 20 ppm to do well. The recommended levels produced by the CO2 Fizz Factory will benefit aquatic plants while allowing for the safe coexistence of oxygen and CO2. Contrary to popular belief, oxygen is not directly displaced by the increase of CO2 in aquarium water. In fact, in a healthy planted aquarium, CO2 along with good lighting and supplemental trace elements will encourage vigorous photosynthesis, and in turn increase the level of dissolved oxygen in aquarium water.
PH-based Treatment Schedule
Ideally, CO2 levels should be between 10 - 20 ppm for healthy plant growth. CO2 above 30 ppm is excessive and can produce low, unsafe pH levels stressful to fish. In establishing a pH-based treatment schedule, remember to keep the pH at near neutral (6.8 - 7.4) as this indicates safe, beneficial CO2 concentration. This will help you establish the frequency of treatments. After your initial use of the CO2 Fizz Factory, test the pH of your tank water. If the pH is near neutral, you should follow the treatment schedule for a tank with light plant coverage. If the pH is above 7.4 ppm, then follow the treatment schedule for a tank with heavy plant coverage. Test the tank water once a week and adjust your treatment schedule as needed. Be sure to use Jungle® Quick Dip Test Strips when testing pH levels in your aquarium.
This product is for aquarium use only. It is safe for freshwater aquarium fish and plants, and safe to use with all Jungle® products.
Not for use on food fish.
Thank you for being a Jungle® customer. If you have any problems or need any other information, please do not hesitate to call our Customer Service Representatives at 1-800-357-7104 or e-mail us at And don't forget to check out Club Jungle at Check back regularly for tips and free samples!
Scott Bean
Aquatic Biology Tech. Consultant/ Customer Service Jungle Laboratories Corp
Thank you for your inquiry about Jungle® products. We are happy that you have chosen our products to use in your aquarium to help you maintain the best possible environment for your fish and plants.
The CO2 that is released by the CO2 Fizz Tablet leaves the water at the same rate as CO2 dissolved into the water via any other means. It boosts
CO2 levels after dissolving, the CO2 levels then slowly fall off over time. Most plants do fine with this system and do not need a constant increased level of CO2. Below is some more information on the CO2 Fizz Factory and Tablets and their use.
The CO2 Fizz Factory provides an affordable source of supplemental carbon for your aquatic plants, is beneficial for aquarium plant photosynthesis, increases carbon dioxide in aquarium water for plants, and offers and easy setup and treatment schedule. With the right amount of carbon and an adequate light supply, photosynthesis becomes more active, allowing aquatic plants to readily absorb nutrients. The Fizz Factory is ideal for 5- to 40-gallon aquariums. CO2 Fizz Tabs are for use with the Jungle® Plant Care Solutions CO2 Fizz Factory. They are fast dissolving, premeasured tablets that make caring for aquarium plants quick, easy and convenient.
Why aquarium plants need CO2
Carbon dioxide is most important for plants during photosynthesis and is essential for vigorous aquatic plant growth. In nature, aquatic plants receive carbon dioxide from several sources found in their environment.
In an enclosed ecosystem like an aquarium, however, there are not enough sources of carbon dioxide, especially for a densely planted tank.
Although some CO2 is produced by fish respiration and the decomposition of organics, it is still limited. So, supplemental CO2 helps plants in an aquarium to assimilate the nutrients in the water that surrounds them. If the right amount of CO2 is present with an adequate light supply, then photosynthesis will be more active, allowing the plants to readily absorb more nutrients from the water. Jungle® Plant Care Solutions products make it easy and affordable to provide your aquatic plants the supplemental carbon they need to grow into lush, green foliage in your planted aquarium. Just follow the easy, step-by-step instructions, and you'll be growing a jungle of beautiful plants in no time!
Using your CO2 Fizz Factory
Fill the reaction vial with tap or tank water (approximately 3 oz.) up to the fill line. Connect the 10" airline tubing from the top of the reaction vial to the airline tube connector that is already attached to the 10" airline tubing from the chamber.
Stand the reaction vial upright on a flat surface (such as the aquarium hood), drop in one CO2 Fizz Tab, close the lid immediately and watch it fizz! The tablet completely dissolves in two minutes, producing CO2 gas that moves through the tubing and into the holding chamber. After the tablet dissolves and no more fizzing or bubbling is visible, the reaction vial along with its 10" airline tubing can be detached.
The CO2 gas in the holding chamber will slowly dissolve into the aquarium water, providing a valuable source of carbon for your plants.
Each tablet produces 350 cc of CO2. The holding chamber is designed to capture up to 450 cc of CO2. Therefore, using more than one fizz tab at a time will only overfill the holding chamber resulting in a loss of benefit from a second tablet.
After each use, the excess liquid may remain in the reaction vial, which will help accelerate CO2 production during subsequent uses. Additional water should be added up to the fill line (3 oz.) before each use. If too much white sediment collects in the reaction vial, rinse it out.
CO2 Fizz Factory Tips
The CO2 Fizz Factory should be used when tank lights are on. This is when plants photosynthesize and produce oxygen, and the need for a carbon source is at its greatest. When it's dark, plants give off CO2, and there is no need for an additional CO2 source. To maintain optimal
CO2 levels, reduce aeration during daytime hours.
CO2 should not be added to aquariums with very soft, low alkalinity water. Aquarium water must have alkalinity levels of at least 50 ppm or more before using the CO2 Fizz Factory to guard against the possibility of large swings in pH.
Raising CO2 levels in aquarium water to benefit plants will not hurt other organisms in your aquarium, such as fish. Only extreme levels (40 ppm and above) can become toxic. Anything below 30 ppm is safe and plants nee 10 - 20 ppm to do well. The recommended levels produced by the CO2 Fizz Factory will benefit aquatic plants while allowing for the safe coexistence of oxygen and CO2. Contrary to popular belief, oxygen is not directly displaced by the increase of CO2 in aquarium water. In fact, in a healthy planted aquarium, CO2 along with good lighting and supplemental trace elements will encourage vigorous photosynthesis, and in turn increase the level of dissolved oxygen in aquarium water.
PH-based Treatment Schedule
Ideally, CO2 levels should be between 10 - 20 ppm for healthy plant growth. CO2 above 30 ppm is excessive and can produce low, unsafe pH levels stressful to fish. In establishing a pH-based treatment schedule, remember to keep the pH at near neutral (6.8 - 7.4) as this indicates safe, beneficial CO2 concentration. This will help you establish the frequency of treatments. After your initial use of the CO2 Fizz Factory, test the pH of your tank water. If the pH is near neutral, you should follow the treatment schedule for a tank with light plant coverage. If the pH is above 7.4 ppm, then follow the treatment schedule for a tank with heavy plant coverage. Test the tank water once a week and adjust your treatment schedule as needed. Be sure to use Jungle® Quick Dip Test Strips when testing pH levels in your aquarium.
This product is for aquarium use only. It is safe for freshwater aquarium fish and plants, and safe to use with all Jungle® products.
Not for use on food fish.
Thank you for being a Jungle® customer. If you have any problems or need any other information, please do not hesitate to call our Customer Service Representatives at 1-800-357-7104 or e-mail us at And don't forget to check out Club Jungle at Check back regularly for tips and free samples!
Scott Bean
Aquatic Biology Tech. Consultant/ Customer Service Jungle Laboratories Corp