Fiyero Doing Poorly


Fish Addict
Jun 15, 2005
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NB/NS/PEI (depends on time of year)
As if losing Galinda wasn't enough, Fiyero has now decided to develop a prominent tummy too. After trying peas and salt baths, I've eliminated both constipation and fluid retention, and am all too certain I have another (early) case of dropsy on my hands. :X It's been recently compounded by finrot, so I moved him to a smaller container to keep a better eye on him. If he goes too I don't know what I'm going to do . . . totally disregarding the fact that I had wanted at least one more (ideally larger) spawn from him, I just don't want to see him suffer like his sister did.

Besides which, if this is genetic (seeing as both he and his sister came up with it within weeks of each other) then I can't in good conscience breed any of the babies he's produced either, no matter how gorgeous they might turn out to be *gnashes teeth* I'm trying to convince myself that Elphaba's fantastically evil temperament and supernatural regenerative powers are worth the risk, but right now I just don't believe it.

I also sloshed water all over a draft of my essay during today's fry tank water change, but that's another headache entirely :rolleyes:
sorry to hear about all your troubles.... hopefully he gets better...... :/
Thank you. I was really trying not to start a brand new thread just to wail about the poor guy, but it's gotten to be so painful seeing him the way he is, I couldn't help it. He was so gorgeous just a month ago, and now he's almost permanently stress striped, his poor fins just shredded and all edged with yucky slimy brown . . . It drives me crazy that my bettas seem to have made up their minds to avoid the middle ground. They'll either be in the very prime of life and as healthy as they can possibly be (my three remaining girls, Boq, Brill and the babies) or deathly sick (Galinda, Fiyero, Snapdragon). There's no in between.

Wuv was really helpful suggesting meds I might try but Fiyero hasn't responded to anything, and it's breaking my heart because he began to pinecone today. I think I'll go tomorrow to buy clove oil, because I just don't want to see him go through what Galinda had to.
Oh Andie, I feel so bad for you! I am very sorry for all the crap you are going through, it always seems like when it rains it pours :-( I hope it all goes well and you don't have to put your boy down, I know you love him very much. Please keep us posted on how he is doing. You are in my thoughts! *Sends BIG hugs*
Thank you so much. I went and took some pics of him, just in case . . . he looks ghastly but it's still him in there. This is making me even more protective of his babies . . . I'm so scared that soon they'll be all I have left of him.



My beautiful, beautiful boy.
He looks just like my boy Kip died before he died...... At first he seeemed alright, but he just never stepped out of it, he ended up being the same color as your boy before he went and before that he was a brilliant blue..... once again I'm really sorry
If he doesn't seem to be improving and gets progressively worse, I would seriously consider euthanizing.... I couldn't do it to mine, but I wish I would have been able to! :-(
Sorry I am not familiar with your other fish so I apologize for asking you to repeat yourself, but what medications did you try?
Over the course of the past week and a bit (though not all at the same time) I have tried Maracyn 2, Bettafix (for the fin rot), malachite green (in case it was caused by parasites), peas and epsom salt bath (in case it was caused by constipation or fluid retention) and garlic (as an antibiotic). I also wanted to try collodial silver but our health food store doesn't carry it.

As to his colour, Fiyero is actually copper so he's not far off his normal colour, but he isn't as bright as he usually is, and the stress stripes have never happened to him before :-( I just hate being so helpless.
Maracyn II and silver are your best bets. However, the M2 is so potent that it alone will sometimes be too much for a fish to handle when they are in a state to require it. Silver is the best route. I personally buy mine online just because it's hard to find a decent concentration in a store anyway. If he's already pineconing though you're probably beyond silver anyway.

It is theorized that dropsy is genetic and if that is the case, even if you were able to treat and "cure" him, it would most likely return. Euthanizing is a really hard thing to do, but sometimes it's best and it's quick. I have a really hard time with it myself and personally I do it in a container that has a lid and that is not see through so I don't have to watch it happen or see them afterwards. Makes me feel better.

I'm really sorry for what is happening to you :sad:
I'm going tomorrow to get the clove oil, but I'm going to check again for the silver- I was pretty upset about it so maybe they ordered some in just for me :look:

If there isn't any, I'll go ahead with the euthanasia. It's going to just about kill me, but Galinda suffered too much for me to wish it on her brother too.
If you can find some silver get at least 500ppm. I'm sorry for you, but sometimes the best thing to do isn't the easiest. :/ Don't do it unless you feel it is the best thing though. It would be even worse to have regrets or wonder what if because you felt influenced by others.
Thank you; that was the same concentration Wuv recommended :nod: If I can get it at all, I will. If not, I'm definitely getting the clove oil because I do know which way he's heading and I don't want him to suffer to get there. I know that I can take the pain of euthanising him if it means I spare him the pain of a longer death; I just want to know I've done everything I can to save him before it comes to that.
Aww Andie I'm so sorry for all your troubles. I haven't posted much but I've been reading the topics, about the girl too. So sry :-( You're a great mom though, I have to say, you know you'll have tried your best :)

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