Fit For Jd's?


Aug 4, 2010
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Norwich, UK
At present, i have got a 180L community tank (mainly barbs)
Me being impatient, i am always thinking of what i'll do next. My initial plan is to have a Malawi tank, but now i am looking into american cichlids and getting a bit interested!

I have read a few topics about JD's and thinkb they look great (esp the electric blue) so here's my question:

Could i have a breeding pair of JD's in a 180L 'standard' shaped tank? i would also like some smaller shoaling fish, but would happily rule that idea out if needs be.

If these cheeky chappies are too big for a 180L, can you think of any alternatives? as i said, my main plan would be to have a breeding pair as the main inhabitants, and then maybe 6-10 small shoaling fish (maybe cherry barbs?) and maybe a / some plecos
Unfortunatly mate i think JDs grow far to big for a 180, as to alernatives i'd leave the answer to someone like wills lol
Albeit they recommend one Jd to roughly 180L of water i have kept a breeding pair in a 180L now for a year. I have just upsized them to a 280L though. I have bred mine successfully to free swimming fry once and they have spawned many occasions. So it is do-able. From experience though i would recommend a 300L minimum for a breeding pair.

I have found Dempseys to be very shy fish, and they do better with a good dither to help them feel secure. I used Rummy-nose tetras with my pair to good effect for a while, i've also used Boesemani's Rainbows. Currently i have them without dithers in their new home and they are somewhat reclusive, only venturing out when they are hungry it seems. So dithers with Jacks are important IME.

Hope this helps somewhat. They are a fascinating and stunningly beautifull fish to keep :) They are my passion in aquatics.
Hm. Although its tempting, i think i'll have to take your 300L advice instead of the 180L 'possible' - im still quite new to the fish keeping world and dont want to dig myself into a hole...
Cherry barbs would be too small to keep with jd's (or other large cichlids) you would be better off with something like Buenos Aires Tetras or maybe columbian tetra, or if you wanted barbs particularly something along the lines of a red line torpedo barb (denisonii barb sp.?) or as james suggested a shoal of rainbows.
sorry to say but jd's would need at least a 4 ft tank as they grow big and can get very territorial and very aggressive

hope this helps

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