fishy dream


where is my mind?
May 6, 2004
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leeds, uk
last night i dreamed my tank was full of the most enormous eels. at least, i thought they were eels in the dream but i remember them having fins like sharks and huge fangs....and they were zipping round my little tank like there was no tomorrow. it was terrifying.

i think i need to see a psychiatrist. :S
I used to have fishy nightmares all the time no joke!!! like finding dead dried up fish etc. They were horrible but I think when you spend alot of time witj your tank it happens quite alot ;) I just dream about my GF now its much better ;)
DrOizo said:
I used to have fishy nightmares all the time no joke!!! like finding dead dried up fish etc. They were horrible but I think when you spend alot of time witj your tank it happens quite alot ;) I just dream about my GF now its much better ;)
Funny, I dream of anyone but the wife :D
after visiting a local lfs which we love - small shop, gorgeous tanks ( tropicals & marines near barnes/richmond west london uk for anyone near - well worth a visit theyre fantastic - even the fish in tanks for sale have loads of rocks, real plants,coral etc in them) i saw a marine fish really weird looking little yellow thing small boxy triangular shape with spikes on it- very cute, that night i dreamt all out barbs had changes into spikey triangular looking fish too...........not a nightmare but vvvv weird :D

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