Fishless Cycle

readings for today. Ammo 1, trites 3 - 4, trates 15 - 20.
readings for today. Ammo 1, trites 3 - 4, trates 15 - 20.

Looking better, slow cycle but its geting there. just dose the ammonia back up to 4ppm once it hits 0
your nitrite and nitrate readings will go off the chart, but dont worry about it, your nitrite will stay there for what seems like ages but will drop to 0 really fast (normally over night) then your ready to go fish shopping :good:
I wouldn't dose ammonia back up to 4ppm. The constant high dosing of ammonia is what causes some cycles to stall. 1ppm ammonia is converted into 2.7ppm nitrite and the more ammonia you add the quicker your nitrites climb to an unreadable level. Many people find after a few weeks their cycle stalls and then they have to do a large water change to get the nitrites back down.
Day 16 - ammo 0, trites 5+ (off chart), trates 40. Dosed ammo, put in just over 2ml in total, dosing a little at a time until i read 2ppm. Readings now - ammo 2, trites 5+, trates 40. Did ph reading, has gone down to 7.8.
Day 17 - Ammo .5, trites 5+, trates 40-50. Dosed 2ml of ammonia. Readings now - ammo 2, trites 5+, trates 40-50.
Day 18 - ammonia .25, nitrites 5+. Dosed ammonia back up to 2.
Day 19 - Ammonia 0, nitrite off chart. Dosed ammonia to 2.

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