fishless cycle with carbon or without?

Hi cecilbdemented

To give you a fuller answer. The carbon is used to remove harmful chemicals from the water. It only has a live span of about a month (that reminds me, I must change mine in the fish house on Monday).

If you put it in there at the begin of the cycle, it will be spent before you add the fish. and will need to be changed. It is not needed at the start of a fish tanks life. Add it once the cycle is finished and you have added fish.

If you do add carbon, you must make sure you replace it on a regular basis. When it is spent, it can release the chemicals back into the fish tank.
i personally dont think it makes much difference but as there is little waste in a fishless cycle i suggest without. also i sugest getting some used gravel from the fish shop see if they will do that for you. then some plants then after a week some fish gradually.
thanks you both. pretty much what i figured but wanted to be sure in case it figured in the process.
an so the cycle begins.
all the best,C

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