Will try and get some more close up pics tommorow to actually show the individual plant types better
Tank size 371 L
Substrate is JBL Aquabasis and JBL Manado
Filtration is 1 x Eheim Pro 3 2080 and 1 x Eheim Classic 2217
Lighting 2 x Denerle Plant Growth 54W and 2 x Denerle Plant Growth 39W giving approx 1.9 WPG
Ferts 65m daily of pre-mixed dry ferts (Enchinodorus was suffering badly with less) and 16m daily EasyCarbo (Although I have Aquamas C02 inline diffuser connected with reg and FE ready for when I get round to it)
Heating 2 x FluvalE300
Flow 1 Koralia Powerhead to keep nice flow going.
Plants are Java Swords,Flame Moss (On bogwood) Enchindorus Tornado XXL, Java Fern Motherplant, Anubias var nana, Myriophyllum mattogrossense Red, a few types of crypt and 2 plants I cant remember atm and not forgetting Apongneton Cripus and ye olde Dwarf Sag