February 2019 Tank of the Month Contest

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
🏆 Click to vote! 🏆


Staff member
Jun 28, 2016
Reaction score
Austin, TX
fishforums-toftm-jpg.82047 is proud to announce the February 2019 Tank of the Month Contest!

How do I enter?

Post one photo or video in this thread along with a nice detailed write-up of your tank. The write up should include a good description of your tank, water parameters, tank maintenance procedures, feeding schedules, etc.

* You must be the owner of the tank.
* Video can be uploaded to youtube, and then a link to the video may be posted in this thread.
* Only one photo will be allowed, so make it your best!
* A description is required!

The deadline for entries is Feb 25th, 2019 at 11:00 PM EST. The winner will be voted upon by Members.. Good luck everyone, and may the best Tank win!

What do I win?

The winner will receive a Tank of the Month badge and be featured on

Everyone is welcome to participate, so jump right in and enter today!
Ok...I’ll be first again but others please join in so this can be a true contest.

This tank is a 20G long with a Penguin 200 Bio-wheel filter. Substrate is black sand. Temperature is kept at a steady 75F. Inhabitants include neon tetras, green neon tetras, glo light tetras, guppies, platies, and a bristle nose pleco ( which lives inside the trunk of the tree). Other inhabitants are Malaysian trumpet snails, pond snails, and ramshorn snails. Plants are Anubias, anacharis, banana plant, and amazon sword. Parameters are 0, 0, 10. Tank is cleaned weekly using a Python vacuum and a 70% water change is done. My choice for water conditioners is Seachem Prime. I feed New Life Spectrum Small Fish Food, Ken’s Veggie Sticks, and frozen blood worms. This tank has been up and running about a year. Thanks for looking!
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This is my first contest! Here goes nothing..


This is my 5.5 gallon tank..current inhabitants are a bunch of Ramshorn and Malaysian trumpet snails.

The tank is a derimmed 5.5 Aquaculture tank with an Azoo mignon 60 for filtration, and heated to 78F with a 50W Hagen marina heater, lit by a 6500k CFL bulb.

Plant list: Bucephalandra ‘wavy green’, Hydrocotyle tripartita, Anubias Barteri, Anacharis najas, Frogbit, a few java fern rhizomes.

Hardscape and substrate was all found locally in parks and rivers.

Parameters are as listed:
9 dGH
6 dKH
7.6 PH
20 NO3

I top off every 2 days and do a 50% water change on Saturday.

I dose 2 pumps of Easy green once a week

GL all!
Others please show off your tanks too. The more, the merrier!!!
this is my first
mine is a 46 gallon aquarium
dose of 5 ml of co2 booster every two days
i do water changes evry month
it has anarchis, ludwiga, hornwort, dwarf hairgrass, duckweed, a banana plant, and 2 smallish jungle vals
2 angelfish, 5albino corydoras, a bushynose pleco, 4long finned dainios, 4 orange von rio tetras, and 4 green fire tetras

it has been running for 3 months now
Has voting started?
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Voting has not started yet. Dascrow has to start a voting thread. Don't know why there is a delay.
Thanks to everyone who took the time to vote. There were some great tanks in February. Everyone get pics of your tanks and enter the March contest. Everyone has worked hard on their tanks and now is your chance to show off your hard work!

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