
If I am calculating right, the tank is about 25 ish gallons (going by the 120l Slyspy mentioned) It is too small even for the 3 orandas. Take them and the sharks back if you can. If your son really want a goldie, get a cheap 10 gallon tank and either have one common or fancy. I can't remember what else you've got, the mollies, neons and maybe the barbs (I know nil about them) should be OK, but you really bought far too many fish. Your tank is waaay overstocked, even though it doesn't look like it at the moment. You might be OK with the plec, I'm not sure of the dimensions of the tank and not knowing how big barbs grow, I can't really tell you about that.
Sounds like the tank from hell. I would never dream of doing that.
'Feeder' golfish tend to be the more common types - namely the 'common' and comets. These get very very big and should NEVER be kept in a 10 gallon - a 20 gallon even is realy too small. ONE fancy goldfish of the smaller kinds like black moors can be kept in 10 gallon tanks BUT 20 gallons is normaly considered the absolute minnimum for even the fancy types. They DO get to 8" at least.

I can't emhpasize this enough - if you want to keep the goldfish, get rid of all the tropicals, lower the temp a bit and just keep the 3 goldfish - NOTHING else!
the goldfish are going back as the babrsb keep trying to munch on the fins so they have been removed from the tank, the barbs are about 6 months old and there the same size as they were when they were bought.
woo hoo

my placo is a

Smoky Peckoltia hes well stay the size he is not which is around 3" to 4"

thnaks for the catfish/placo website it took me and my hubby lots of toing and froing but we got there...

other then smaller makings the picture on the website is an exact copy the could have been brothers..

thanks for all your help.

kiss kiss :wub:
Oh for :crazy: sake

have you read any advice that, the very good, very knolible people are trying to give you. Good step goldies are going, but for the reason the barbs are nipping :look: should be because the fish are UNSUTABLE for the tank.

will you be taking the sharks back to??

gosh where's the bang your head on a brick wall smiley :blink: :X :sick:
ferrikins said:
Oh for :crazy: sake

have you read any advice that, the very good, very knolible people are trying to give you. Good step goldies are going, but for the reason the barbs are nipping :look: should be because the fish are UNSUTABLE for the tank.

will you be taking the sharks back to??

gosh where's the bang your head on a brick wall smiley :blink: :X :sick:
LOL ferrikins.

It does seem, no offence, that you, godzuki have not been taking all the advice you have been given to heart. No offence. Lots of your fish, goldies, sharks and plecs (though you have researched these and they get what size? did not get that, but even a BN gets to 6" and you should only have one in that tank) are simply not suitable for your tank. I am trying to say, read carefully through this and the other threads you have started and heed the friendly advice given. No offence :D

If your son really wants a fish, get a small (1 gallon+) tank, a small heater and get a betta. As long as you do not let him feed it (he may overfeed), it will be a nice to look at, suitable fish.

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