

Fish Crazy
Jan 13, 2005
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coatbridge, Scotland
Hi Again

I have

2 albion tiger barbs
2 "white" mollies
1 black tipped shark
1 small cleaner
1 massive cleaner (havent a clue what he is but hes about 15cm long and hes black with mottled leopard print skin and he's beautiful but he might be female as he has a big mouth and its always open) lol :lol:

plus there are some other small ones but I havent a clue what they are, about a cm big their a reddy colour with a black spot at the back. any ideas on them??

im i ok getting some

tiger barbs

kiss kiss :wub:
By cleaner, do you mean plec? If so these could (depending on type) get very big up to 2' sometimes. it would be best to Identify these first. Try the catfish forum here and also and look through the L number index. Does the big one look like this...
If so, its a common plec and can reach 2', so its a no no for your tank.

When you say betta'S I hope you don't mean male ones, they should be kept singly. females maybe ok together.

Aren't Barbs 'Nippy'.? I wouldn't put them with Betta's. Male or Female.

Like Jflowers said about the Plec.... Find out what you already have in there before adding anything else.
as for the big one he does look like the pic kind of hes definatly not that big colouring is different

and ther are no pics on that site that look like him but saying that hes a recluse and I might be totally wrong

kiss kiss :wub:
got the wee one to move and managed to take these to pick before he moved i dont know if they will help

kiss kiss :wub:



tar peeps
got the whole set up from a friend and I'm a beginner so I'm trying to find out some information about some fish that came with the tank to improve my knowledge and improve there lives.
thanks for the positive feed back any way

kiss kiss :wub:
your "wee one" is a plec and in the right conditions will grow to about 18". He likes veggies and algae wafers and may be seen sucking the algae off the walls of the tank (if you're lucky). He stays on the bottom of the tank and is very shy, keeping himself to himself. Really just a gentle giant.
isn't my wee one beautiful? :*

got 6 new fish last night, I got....

2 dalmation mollies
1 sliver shark (as the ine we already have recently lost his pal)
1 chocolate oranda
2 redcap oranda (there not tropical but my little boy(2yrs) wanted them and there fine in the tank)

is there a way of sexing the mollies?? :/

the shark we bought bonded straight away with bruce(thats the other shark) and they swim around the shark together. :cool:

kiss kiss :wub:
Non-tropicals in a tropical tank is not advisable. Your two year olds may like them, but they are too young to know what is good for the fish. Also goldfish are very messy and need a large, heavily filtered tank in which to be happy and healthy. If your tank is already heavily stocked with large fish this may cause problems.

If this is the 120L tank you mentioned in another thread then you have alot of unsuitable fish in there.

You should not be buying fish to add to an overstocked tank! And I am sorry but silver sharks are totally the wrong choice. They are schooling fish that need to be in groups of 3 Minimum (DONT go and get another, take your two back), they grow large upto 10-12" and need lots of swimming space. When you take your sharks back, take your plecs too, then you will be able to look at stocking the tank appropriatly.

Also take back the goldfish please. Your two-year-old may want them but that's no reason to add fish that get to 12" into a tank where they realy don't belong. Also, what's the 'black-tipped shark'?

You do realise fish are living things right? You can't just randomly add more and more and hope they live. Sooner or later their waste will build up and they will die. I'm sure your two-year-old would preffer to see the fish alive. Now if you realy do want to do some research, I suggest you read through the links in my signature for more information on tank maintainance.

Then look up each of your fish on or in the fish index on this board. Don't add any more and let us know how big your tank is...
:/ :/ You are only supposed to put afew fish in the tank at a time if i want to stock one of my new tanks i but 2 or 3 every week and see how their doing,its much better than buying 10 at once and them all being dead,also your goldfish 2ill die in that tank they need colder water than the others so either get another coldwater tank of take him back :/

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