Fish123Fish's 40G Iwagumi Style Aquarium.

Thanks Biulu, I think its the best carpet plant to go for as its quite undemanding for most things! I am going to have to get rid of my yoyo loach as I will be wanting to put lots of varities of shrimp in there.

Would you have thought my Red Tailed Shark would be okay with shrimp as they are primarily herbivorious?

The tank looks pretty much the smame today as it did when the last pictures where put up. I am thinking about putting a black background up to give it a sense of depth. What do you think?

Many thanks,

Would you have thought my Red Tailed Shark would be okay with shrimp as they are primarily herbivorious?

The tank looks pretty much the smame today as it did when the last pictures where put up. I am thinking about putting a black background up to give it a sense of depth. What do you think?

Many thanks,


I don't have any experience with sharks as they always required too much space and have been told they get agressive with age.

Yes, a background would be nice. What about celestial or light blue as it is supposed to be a landscape?
looks good, i would go for a black backing. I would also get a coule of more bunches of Vallis.
I have a black background at the moment, its only some black card but I'll check out some other types of colours too. I'll upload some pictures soon of what it looks like with the black background. :)

Sorry, forghot to add... I have noticed a few gaps in the vallis and I agree that a couple more bunches would fill it out a bit more. It has grown really quickly! Some plants have grown more than 2".

The dwarf hair grass should be here by Friday this week :) so I can start planting the foreground! I am starting to think I'll need a bit more than 6 pots but I'll see how it goes. With hair grass you still break the original pot up into multiple plants don't you? Like glosso. If so I think it will spread quite well :)


Just a quick update:

Bought 3 ottos today which have gone straight in but also some cherry shrimp that are way too small to go in yet but nevertheless they are growing! :hyper:

I havent got any pictures of late but there will be some when I get it next week :)

Keep reading!


I like otos, they are a great fish. They are some of the oldest fish in my tanks. I have one that is over 3 years old. A fat, fat female.

Now, don't take this the wrong way, because I am only saying this because I see some huge Iwagumi potential with those rocks and I really see an awesome scape. This is just me tweaking things, which is kind of what I do for a living as a voice teacher. Constantly tweaking my students to get them sounding their best. :lol: Is your rock placement absolutely set? Or can you shift things a bit? For my eyes, you don't have a clear focal point and some of the rocks look "artificially" placed.

Did you scroll down and read the Iwagumi portion of this thread?

Basics in Aquascaping

Just my two cents. If you are happy, then by all means, it is still a very nice scape and you may keep it the way it is. :good:

Hi lljdma06,

No thats great I was really looking for someones opinion as I wasen't very sure about the placements either. I can move them, It would just cloud the tank up a bit but thats okay where and which ones would you move?I tried to get the focal point of the biggest rock in the middle and tried to get the "bowing" rocks bowing in place to the bigger one.

Thanks for your advice it really helps to get a second opinion on things :good:

It may help when the hair grass is planted as it will cover a lot of the foreground and bare rock to make it look a lot more rustic and wild. The vallas has grown in these pictures making it look less artificial.



The center rock is too center. Refer to the Golden ratio portion of the article. The gap between the two sets of formation should be at the golden ratio, so the larger rock needs to be shifted. You can have two rocks on one side and three on the other with the gap at the golden ratio.

Am I making any sense.

Oh you are making sense :) I tried to move the rocks yesterday, it didnt go well :( cloudy water, vallis everywhere. I understand what your saying but I think I'll wait a bit until its well rooted :/ I wish there wasent a rush to do this that way I could spend more time on the scape :( It will be done though!

I have also put the dwarf hairgrass in:





Oh goodness! You know how long people spend arranging rocks for Iwagumi? I've seen threads with 10 pages of just rock arranging. :crazy: They become obsessed. :S

IMO, you'll have to separate the hairgrass more. JMO, though. Smaller plant groups will help it spread faster. Especially since this isn't a high light tank.

Ok I've just spread out the hair grass a bit wasen't too hard :)

Yeah I know I've seen people keep changing and changing their's too. The problem I had was that I had fish in buckets waiting to go back into the tank so I had to get a move on sharpish :/


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