Fish123Fish's 40G Iwagumi Style Aquarium.


Jul 9, 2007
Reaction score
Reading, UK
Hi all,

This is my journal. I hope you like it :)

These are my tank stats:

Fitration: From a Fluval internal to a Fluval 205 external. Although not as rated as eheim I havent had any problem with fluval over 7 years so I m going with my gut!

The heater I'm using I ve lost the box for but it is a hagen model 200w.

The lighting, I have just under 86w of light so should be adequate and they are new tubes.

The substrate I have is river gravel sized 1-2mm and Im going to be topping it with floragrow soil reccomended by RadaR (10 l bag)

Please stay tuned becuase I'm bound to have many questions!



The filter.


The media and parts.


The original setup... I thought it was time for a change!


First update :) going to the Garden centre to pick up some quartz. Post pics later.
Yesterday I went to get some rock for my hardscape. I got these pieces from Wyvale Garden Centre...


What do you think? They need to be washed to get rid of the dust. :) Also got some Vallis which is just sitting in my corner tank until I can get the main tank up and away! Although blocking a lot of light I'm sure my platys won't mind. I got 9 bunches in total becuase there was a deal on and I think it came to £11 which I thought was quite good. Im going to plant these in the background just to add some movement.

More updates this week as I brought some substrate and some glossostigma elatinoides from an online shop that is part owned by Saintly.

Il be sure to post lots of pics up each step I do :)

Many Thanks,

Thankyou :) they should be going in tomorrow if my soil and glosso arrive. If not tomorrow they should arrive on wednesday.
Floragrow and glosso not here yet but they should come tomorrow but that isn't the best of timing as I'm in London all day with my girlfriend, off to the London Aquarium :)

Will update tomorrow morning!
Okay well I've had an email from James at the planted box and he says that they have sold out of the glosso and he reccomended some Eleocharis Acicularis (dwarf hair grass) however this may be a better option as it requires less light and less co2. I have bought 6 plants instead of the 8 glosso. Which I think will look quite good. Also hair grass is what Takashi Amano uses a lot in his scapes :hyper:

What is your CO2? You injecting? 40g are great tanks. Lots of space. Good for Iwagumi.
At the moment I will not be using co2 due to money but I have tried to choose plants that are not that demanding in co2. However I will eventually buy a pressured device when I have the funds. Have looked at the FE method but I would rather keep my hands/arms/face becuase I know il probably mess up lol.
I understand that the dwarf hair grass isnt that demanding for co2 so I should hopefully be okay!


Just a quick update while I'm on... James (from The Planted Box) has informed me that my substrate should be here tomorrow and the Dwarf Hair Grass (DHG) should be here sometime next week :) I will start scaping tomorrow! :hyper:
Okay, everything has been done!! As I got my flora base today I went for it. All the fish are out and have been temporarly re-located to a "very useful box" which has proved to be very useful but only holding 50l. I have my Vallis in at the back and my quartz is in also the only problem I'm having now is that the water is very murky. But hpefully shortly the fish can go back into there new home!

Also waiting for the temp to get up to 25c as I filled it with cold water for the ease of things.

External filter fitted and running smoothly :) only one leek but that was my fault as I forgot to fit the "lubricated rubber band" lol (there words not mine!) but its in now. And no more leeks so far... touch wood.

Any questions?

Pictures up soon.

Just got home from my shift.. As you might of seen from the green clip on tie earlier, I work at Waitrose.

Nevertheless, the tank is clearing nicely but not nice enough for a full tank shot yet! The fish are re-homed and seem okay. The vallis is looking good at the back and I'm generally please but I'd love your opinions stayed tuned for tomorrow with the almost finished product!

Looking forward to those full tank shots! :D
Okay here are a couple of FTS. Bare in mind this isn't finished as I'm awaiting some dwarf hair grass for the foreground... But here it is so far :)



From a side angle


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