
You can indeed. However i wouldnt recommend adding a single tetra to a tank with a RTBS. Certainly if the RTBS is not a young juvi one. Adding a group of tetras shouldnt be an issue. Least i've never found it to be. Making sure there are too many distractions for your RTBS to pick an issue with is a good choice. Similar in principal to keeping tiger barbs in groups so they don't harras other fish. Keep a RTBS with more fish and any quarrels/aggression will be spread out more so amongst all the tank mates.

My RTBS is best buddies with a shoal of tiger barbs currently, and anyone who lets him shoal with them for that matter.

Out of curiosity what size tank is it they shall be in and how big is your RTBS?
And what size tank are you keeping him in. All the specifics we know the better advice we can give you. Its all well and good me saying you can add tetras with them, but if the tank is too small, or already fully stocked my advice is useless :lol:
welcome to the forum

Couldn;t have said it better myself and Verminator makes a good point about the tiger barbs. I also kept a shoal of them with a RTBS. It made quite an impressive sight
And what size tank are you keeping him in. All the specifics we know the better advice we can give you. Its all well and good me saying you can add tetras with them, but if the tank is too small, or already fully stocked my advice is useless :lol:

I hope it's a different tank he's talking about here; , but if not it's 10 litres :crazy:

prototype; sorry, but if the RTBS is in the 10l, you really need to take it back to where you got it from; there's no way you can keep it in a tank that small.

Is the tank cycled at all and how long have you had it set up?

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