
I`d love a cichlid tank,or at least a huge tank. So I could keep loads of exotic fish
Arowana or pirhana or oscar or bichir or knifefish or............................................ALL THE FISHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:
I'd get a tank with a bottom area of about 200x70cm (about 80x28 inches, if I've converted correctly) and get several schools of different loaches: yoyos, queens, zebras, clowns, Botia nigrolineata, Botia rostrata... Probably couldn't get all of them in the same tank and would have to choose, but that's something I'll solve when the time comes.

I'm quite serious about getting this tank, I just need to get a bigger place first. Not to mention I need to convice my significant other that a tank that size is a good thing. ;)
A huge as hell tank as big enought to fit 30 irredecent sharks, i big do they get? so big that no one owns them?

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