I know this is off topic, but besides the actual topic, I just wanted to address what some people & WRS are still discussing. I'm not looking for an argument or anything, it's just my opinion.
WRS - I've read ur last topic, & I have to say I don't agree with what happened to your molly - even though your methods of attempted euthanasia did not work, the gourami probably did take advantage of the molly being a little confused/scared by everything happening, even though the molly bit it first. That being said, I understand that you didn't feel like you had any other options, & I do appreciate having to euthanase any fish (or other animal) can be a very difficult thing to do. But I think that posting the topic in the first place leaves you open to everyone's opinions, so don't post if you don't want responses. I don't know if there are other fish forums that would not respond so negatively to your post, but if you feel so uncomfortable here, I suggest you check into it (not saying I don't want you here, you've helped me out heaps in the past....just that if you're not happy here, maybe there's somewhere more suited to you).
To everyone else - I think it's been made fairly clear where everyone stands on this issue, and I don't think that repeatedly bringing the topic up is going to help the situation. I, also, hope that WRS has learnt from this experience, but there's only so much we can do to ensure that. For the sake of peace and not giving the forum a bad reputation, I think it would probably be best if any further discussion of the topic were to take place through some kind of messenger service. It's really not helping anybody here, and we can't make our position on the topic much clearer; we're really wasting our time arguing when there are topics much more worthy of being replied to (though I completely understand where you're coming from and agree with all you who disagree with WRS on this topic).
Sorry if what I said annoys people or is offensive in any way, I just don't like seeing people fighting all the time over something that is never going to be able to change. Also, I say bring on the answers to any of WRS's less controversial topics - answers to any (sensible) posts is going to be a great help to others, especially newbies.
As for long-living fish - I have no idea sorry, but provided with great water conditions, a heater (if required) an appropriate filter, a big enough tank, some compatible tankmates, and everything else needed, all fish species are likely to live a happy & healthy life & bring you much pleasure. Happy posting people