fish with long lives


Michelle's Hot
May 3, 2004
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i know that goldfish live for a long time, like 20 years. What other fish live really long?
some goldfish live up to a hundred years! i know that types of tetras and catfish can live ten to fifteen years. and generally, cichlids live a long time
one of my customers at work said he had a clown loach for 12 years and another said shes had silver sharks, angels and gouramis in her 7FT TANK !!! for 10years.
i was just wondering, jeez, is it a crime to ask?

i wanted to know if i had any fish that id have for a while.
im glad corries live for a long time, i love my corries, theyre the best.
wrs said:
i was just wondering, jeez, is it a crime to ask?
Only because you seem happy to kill fish that you don't want anymore or that have caused you inconvenience.

You seem to have a very short memory, I thought it would have been obvious what I was getting at.
Only because you seem happy to kill fish that you don't want anymore or that have caused you inconvenience.

oh yes, i do that all the time. OMG! is ever post i ever add to this thing going to have that added to it? You people are so rediculous!I'm so sick of it! Stop ok.
wrs said:
Only because you seem happy to kill fish that you don't want anymore or that have caused you inconvenience.

oh yes, i do that all the time. OMG! is ever post i ever add to this thing going to have that added to it? You people are so rediculous!I'm so sick of it! Stop ok.
Every post? Well considering it was only 3 or so days ago since this was going on, it's not that long.

You kill fish, you have the attitude that fish are disposable pets and then you ask about adding fish to your overstocked tank and moan when people have the 'ordasity' to question you from what went on before.

I just thought it was stupid that you should ask the lifespan of fish when it doesn't seem to be a concern of yours.

Not only that, but you never admitted you were wrong in torturing that fish and for that I think you deserve our disapproval. This is a fish lovers forum after all.
ya know what, that was one fish. i do love my fish and because I ask a life span question doesnt mean you have any right to get mad. And if you read my sig my tank is no way over stocked. 3 fish! Im so sick of people like you always bringing it up! I do care about my fish and i want ones that live long. so if you have nothing at all to say that relates to the post do not answer. Noone else gets picked on by people at this forum. And I didnt even kill the fish!!! The gourami did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and youre not questining, your stating stuff. If i get questioned I'll tell them that they fish were all killed by a molly, because thats what happened! and i dontthink theyre disposable, some people do on here, the person that wants to flush theres, go say something to them.
Yeah, sure you didn't kill it. Not with the cold water, the net and then chucking it back in the tank. Sure, it was a picture of health.

You have not admitted you did wrong and you seem to expect everyone to be all hunky dory with you. Well, for me at least it's not going to happen and certainly not straight away.

Is you moaning supposed to make people forget what you did to that poor fish and the fact you have such a brass neck about it?

I don't think people like you should be allowed to keep fish. Your tank was overstocked at the time you asked about adding fish.

People can see what went on for themselves.
anyways, colourful varieties of koi were bred in japan as family heir looms, that people passed to there children, i believe one of the longest living documented ones was 120 years old
My neighbor told me that her son has had his three cichlids since high school. He is in his 30s. She does not know what type of cichlid. Apparently he cannot put any other fish in the tank not even a pleco or catfish as the three gang up on the new one and kill it. Very territorial and they seem to have an alliance going! :lol:
my brother loves oscars. im sure hed be gald to hear that for when he gets a larger tank and some of them.

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