Fish With Legs


Fish Gatherer
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
St Albans, UK
can someone tell me what the hell this fish is? they had some at london zoo and it really freaked me out!! it was WALKING.

(this isn't my photo, i googled it, only one i could find, but no species info with it)

what did you put in your google search?
No, thats an axolotl, and it isn't what cat saw if they were like her first picture, axololt's need a 3-4ft tank and they live in coldwater, they can evolve but only if taken out of water but this isn't suppose to happen, as it stresses them out alot and could quite easily kill them.

None of your options that you've stated, as it's a saltwater fish, you all keep guessing :shifty:
There are several species of "walking" fish even in saltwater so this may take some time to identify. May be better to ask in the Saltwater forums.
There are several species of "walking" fish even in saltwater so this may take some time to identify. May be better to ask in the Saltwater forums.
or the london zoo.
Going there would be the surest way to find out, but I assume there's a faster and easier way to find out that don't involve spending money or in some cases, international travel. :p
Some members of the Order Lophiiformes (notably the families Antennariidae [frogfishes] and Ogococephalidae [walking batfishes]) have modifed pelvic and pectoral fins to walk on the substrate.

Neither of those families have members that look like the fish in question above. If the fish I mentioned aren't the ones you saw, then a search through some of the other familes of the Lophiiformes on Fishbase order may prove fruitful.
I believe this is a salt water fish called - Red Gurnard Aspitrigla cuculus.

It lives in British coastal waters and is a bottom dwelling fish that feeds on mainly on small crustaceans and worms.
I recently caught one of these while mackerel fishing 2 miles off Bournemouth beach. The one I caught was about 30cm long, dark red and had a turquoise rim on its pectoral fins.. what a beautiful fish! :good:

Found some more photos here and here.

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