Fish With A Betta?

i have had cories of varying species, otos, snails and shrimp of vaying species, endlers, african dwarf frog all with success and no harassment. although that particular betta is very very old and lazy and couldnt be bothered to chase anything. he does like to hang out with the cories occasionally to "manage" what they are doing. its very cute.
i have a female betta with harlequin rasbora and there is absolutely no problems..the rasbora never bother anyone. granted a female bettas fins aren't as tempting to nip as a males..but actually when i first put them together the betta trashed their fins..idk how she caught them, but there was large parts of their tails was quite sad..but it stopped after the intial introduction. now everyone has full beautiful fins and never bother each other.
Ive got my betta, yesterday, and some white cloud mountain minnows that were in the same tank (for anyone who says minnows aint tropical they are, they are sub-tropical 18 to 24 or 27 degrees) and they ok. betta is called percy as in percival, mum named him pic coming soon he a gorgeous royal blue colour. sorry about quality he wouldn't stay still for long enough.

I have White Clouds in with one of my bettas, never had a problem between them.
Of course, he's a very good-natured fish.
i have 3 corys in my 4 mth old bettas tank and he's fine, my 1 year old betta will not tolerate anything in his tank!! he nipped the tails of his cories!! would like to try shrimp but am worried he may make a meal of them!! Wish they came as big as the cleaner shrimp in my marine tank, that would soon stop him!!!
In my experience it can be risky keeping cories with bettas, i have had bettas take out the eyes of resting cories so i personally don't think they are a good combination.

I do however keep cardinal and rummy nose tetras with both female and male bettas and they do fine.

It does depend on tank size and hides aswell.

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