Fish Welfare Charity - Poll

Are there enough/any organizations out there doing enough to promote fish welfare and responsible fi

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New Member
Dec 3, 2006
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Further to previous posting - see below I would be grateful if as many people as possible could fill in the poll.

Good Afternoon!

I am currently looking into setting up a (non profit making) charity, initially on a local basis (North Wales), dedicated to tropical fish welfare - promoting responsible fish keeping, adequate tank sizing, proper techniques etc..

I have been appalled over the years I have been involved in the hobby by the way tropical fish are treated as "disposable pets"; if you kill one you buy another due to their low cost, the irresponsible way LFS often seem to encourage overstocking to generate money; the inappropriate selections made by people with no regard to fish diet or potential size. The fact is that fish are first and foremost living creatures not ornaments!
I have heard horror stories about LFS selling Clownfish to go into goldfish bowls after the "Finding Nemo" movie.

My thoughts are to provide local training courses, free online training & exams, speaking to local schools, working with reputable LFS.

Has anyone come across similar organisations? From what I have been told the RSPCA will not touch complaints relating to fish welfare.

What are your thoughts on this? Anyone any ideas on what such an organization could do?
Some people have a really bad attitude towards fish! Some people call themselves vegetarian yet still eat fish, are fish vegetables? :huh:

They are so much more intelligent than people give them credit for, the RSPCA find it hugely difficult to prosecute people for neglecting fish, the main reason being they can't prove that they are suffering in the 1st place which is really sad, the RSPCA would like to help but cases just wouldn't stand up in court, I haven't herd of such an organisation before I think its a great idea!
I'm glad there fish forums to help educate people about fish.
I've been shocked by the amount of ignorance towards fish.
If i saw someone that thought that a clownfish belonged in a goldfish bowl because they saw finding nemo. I would come unglued, to put it mildly.

Yes i do believe there needs to be more promotion for proper fish care techniques and such.

People like to think that fish appear in a tank and take care of themselves. That's not how it works.

I would defintly donate something if you could get somthing like that up and running.
It's sad that the RSPCA won't deal with fish cases, they deserve as much care as any other animal. All to often I have found fish kept in unsuitable tanks or with unsuitable tankmates. It would be nice to have an organisation that dealt strictly with fish and their needs.
I think it's also a great idea for more people to learn about fishkeeping and to have more trained staff at fish stores. A few people on this forum have brought fish only to find that they have been given bad advice from their lfs. I know people have said they should research first but when you first set a tank up you go to the lfs expecting expert advice, I know we did.
I fully support this idea and hope it works out. :good:
It's sad that the RSPCA won't deal with fish cases, they deserve as much care as any other animal. All to often I have found fish kept in unsuitable tanks or with unsuitable tankmates. It would be nice to have an organisation that dealt strictly with fish and their needs.
I think it's also a great idea for more people to learn about fishkeeping and to have more trained staff at fish stores. A few people on this forum have brought fish only to find that they have been given bad advice from their lfs. I know people have said they should research first but when you first set a tank up you go to the lfs expecting expert advice, I know we did.
I fully support this idea and hope it works out. :good:

Trained staff at stores should be a given IMO.
There are "vegetarians" who eat fish but not other meats, those are called pescetarians.

Ensuring that LFS have a qualified staff is a def, as most people would begin there. You wouldn't need to register such an organization as a charity though.
It's sad that the RSPCA won't deal with fish cases, they deserve as much care as any other animal. All to often I have found fish kept in unsuitable tanks or with unsuitable tankmates. It would be nice to have an organisation that dealt strictly with fish and their needs.
I think it's also a great idea for more people to learn about fishkeeping and to have more trained staff at fish stores. A few people on this forum have brought fish only to find that they have been given bad advice from their lfs. I know people have said they should research first but when you first set a tank up you go to the lfs expecting expert advice, I know we did.
I fully support this idea and hope it works out. :good:

Trained staff at stores should be a given IMO.
Getting dense in my old age, don't understand sparklefuzz!

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