Fish too big ...

Nope, not assembled in the house.
The place that makes them sells to alot of pet stores all over the midwest.
They also go to a lot of fish shows.
What I do is order the tank, when they are going to be delivering in my general area, or passing through for a show. They give me a time and a place (certain petstores) to pick it up.
I then rent a U-haul and pick it up. And have alot of guys and glass "suckers"
(the big suction cups with handles) to help.
I't not a bad way to get a big tank because I don't have to pay for shipping!

go to and check out their tank prices.
You can also give them the demensions of the size you want and they will build it.
That's what we did.
It is in no way like eating a cat. Cats are stringy and taste funny it is however like eating a dog which many of you have done with out knowing it (Do you remember that strangely tangy korean food last week).

the pacu look happy.. at least the one in the pic... they have plenty of room to swim.... dont stress about all the crazyness.. when the fish get too big for the tank he said he would get a bigger tank... lets all chill out and have a good time

mr and mrs pacu have lots of room to swim
| :fish: :fish: |
You said you were a lady? and want bigger aquariums? If I wasnt married i would propose right now LOL :wub:
I will look for your pics of your huge tank.... :D
Good luck with the Pacu, not my favorite breed, but you grow 'em big :thumbs:
I will sit here and suffer with my 55 gallon :byebye: :kewlpics:
rollntider said:
You said you were a lady? and want bigger aquariums? If I wasnt married i would propose right now LOL :wub:
I will look for your pics of your huge tank.... :D
Good luck with the Pacu, not my favorite breed, but you grow 'em big :thumbs:
I will sit here and suffer with my 55 gallon :byebye: :kewlpics:
hehe bet lots are thinkig that :nod:
Hehehe... Yeah, I'm a girl.
And I love my fish and my tanks :wub:
The Pacu are still fine and haven't grown since the first post was made.
I'm going to hold out on buying the 810g until we get some remodling done to our house. I don't want to put the BIG tank in the basement. I never go down there.
We have a huge screened in porch right off our kitchen, so what we are going to do is knock out the kitchen wall, completely dry wall and tile the porch.
Put the 810g in there and have a bigger kitchen.
I'm going to turn it into a tropical room. Big plants,ect. I've been reading on how to make small waterfalls, so I'm going to put a small one in one corner.
It's going to be sooooo cool! I'll make sure to post pics of it when it's done.
We are thinking late spring. I can't wait!
Here is another pic of one of my beastie boys!
I have a question for you:

What are Pacu's temperments like? Are they mean at all like some cichlids or are they really sweet like the Silver Dollars? Do they eat other fish, like small tetras or frogs? Are they friendly, etc??

Just curious, I've never known anyone personally who keeps Pacu.

Soooooo when you do get your 850 gallon tank......I'd be more than will to take the big ole 250 gallon off your hands!!!!!! :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:

Awesome Tank! and fish look great!

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