Fish Thieves Using Google Earth

build a moat around the pond and put freshwater crocodiles in it
i feel so bad for those people, you can imagine some kid crying over his stolen goldfish. :unsure:

the people that steal (of all things) fish are among the lowest of the low.
10 years my dad had his koi that were stolen, the biggest one I bought him out of my pocket money for his 50th birthday, he dug out and built the pond by hand, it was 3 weeks before his 60th birthday they were stolen. I replaced some of the fish but he never got to enjoy watching them grow. I doubt cameras would deter them as they were not detered by my german shepherd they drugged her to steal the fish.

These fish stealers are just evil.
can google earth find my wife, she went out ages ago for chips and not back yet lol
Some ideas....

It's a bit annoying, but...Get some very very light and cheap plastic or similar. Spray paint a green that is similar to your grass, or well grass coloured. And pop it on your pond at night?

Or phone google and demand they blur your house.

Or, do the first idea, but find out when the next google satelite image is being taken and put it on specially for the occasion.
haha its so outdated :D

if they came to my place, they would see a pond on google, but a bit of rocks now :lol:
Is it just me or is europe blacked out by NASA's version of google earth? Its on for anyone who doesn't know about it.
it is out of date by about 7yrs when i downloaded, my house wasnt even built :huh: and you cant only blame google, there are other versions out there, microsoft owning one for example.
tbh when google earth first came out one of the first things i did was look to see if i could see the pond. When it was first online we only had the goldfish pond which you can see. I knew it wouldn't take long for others to catch on but know its on the news it will make things worse as its being advertised. This is where people on the news/magazines need to keep there mouth's shut imo.

Not to sure if koi pond is visible but the pergola would be covering it up anyway. if they did try they've got to climb over a 8.5ft gate (or the bungalow) over go over our neighbour's garden (both have 6ft gates) and climb over our 6ft fence.

Some ideas....

It's a bit annoying, but...Get some very very light and cheap plastic or similar. Spray paint a green that is similar to your grass, or well grass coloured. And pop it on your pond at night?

Or phone google and demand they blur your house.

Or, do the first idea, but find out when the next google satelite image is being taken and put it on specially for the occasion.

not to sure it would work and will be a right pain in the #### moving every day. My ponds have nets over them on frame work so it easy to move. The only reason for the net is to help stop the heron getting to the koi.

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