I'd be fine with that as long as they're nice about it.
Back in the day when I didn't know much about fish, I went to the pet store and told this lady I wanted to get some fish. (Can't remember which fish, it was for my moms tank). This is the conversation we had.
"What kind of fish do you have in your tank?"
So I started listing them, unaware it was wrong.
"I'm not going to give you any fish, your tank is waaay too stocked."
Umm... okay. (I think it was neon tetras I needed, I think we only had two.)
"But we need more neon tetras, we only have two and they need to be in schooling of six or more."
"FINE. Just this ONCE. Don't come back here again and ask for more fish."

I respect she was trying to do the right thing but she didn't have to be so rude about it!
She could have just explained to me that the tank was getting too small for too many fish, and I might want to cut down on how many fish I got. That would have been much better than the sass-attack she gave me, sheesh.
Of course I'm going to get defensive if you say that, ugh.