Fish That Do The Job

snazy said:
Well, if she doesn't reason about the stocking, then hopefully at least she does the extra water changes required for such an overstocked tank. Lots of plants will also certainly help the water quality.
She's got one plant in the tank and a decoration, and she does water changes about twice a month.
Bluesand1313 said:
Well, if she doesn't reason about the stocking, then hopefully at least she does the extra water changes required for such an overstocked tank. Lots of plants will also certainly help the water quality.
She's got one plant in the tank and a decoration, and she does water changes about twice a month.
Sounds a lot like my father, who's been keeping fish for years.  Always in too small of a tank with schooling fish kept in pairs or less, water changes every month at best, and breaks just about every rule about which fish should be kept together & not.  I tried to get him started on this site but he'd probably just argue with everyone just like he argues with me!
He currently has 2 BN Plecos, one in a 29 gallon and one in a 20 gallon high.  He also has Comet Goldfish in that 29 gallon, about 5 of them along with 3 albino Corries & 2 Peppered Corries 
EDIT:  Oh, I nearly forgot to mention he has a Red Tailed Black Shark in the 20 & a Bala Shark in the 29 !!!  Luckily they're both still small and he does plan to get a bigger tank soon.
Ruskull said:

Well, if she doesn't reason about the stocking, then hopefully at least she does the extra water changes required for such an overstocked tank. Lots of plants will also certainly help the water quality.
She's got one plant in the tank and a decoration, and she does water changes about twice a month.
Sounds a lot like my father, who's been keeping fish for years.  Always in too small of a tank with schooling fish kept in pairs or less, water changes every month at best, and breaks just about every rule about which fish should be kept together & not.  I tried to get him started on this site but he'd probably just argue with everyone just like he argues with me!
He currently has 2 BN Plecos, one in a 29 gallon and one in a 20 gallon high.  He also has Comet Goldfish in that 29 gallon, about 5 of them along with 3 albino Corries & 2 Peppered Corries 
EDIT:  Oh, I nearly forgot to mention he has a Red Tailed Black Shark in the 20 & a Bala Shark in the 29 !!!  Luckily they're both still small and he does plan to get a bigger tank soon.

Yup, sounds like my mother. I told her that once her tank dies down, she shouldn't get anymore fish. She mistook what I said and though I was telling her to never ever have fish again. Although I would like that idea, that's not what I meant. I meant if her black skirts or some neon tetras die, to not get anymore. I realize there would then only be two or maybe even one, but hey, it's better than keeping her tank going. 
To be honest he does cares for the fish, he just won't accept that what he's doing is "outside the box" and not likely to work out in the end.
BTW, I was at his house yesterday & what he said was a Bala Shark turned out to be a Rainbow Shark, not nearly as bad as I first thought, they only get to be up to 7 inches long.  He does have 7 Comets that are 3 to 4 inches long each, in that same 29 gallon tank.  I think I may have talked him into releasing them into his pond soon, not too sure though.  I guess we'll see.
Ruskull said:
To be honest he does cares for the fish, he just won't accept that what he's doing is "outside the box" and not likely to work out in the end.
BTW, I was at his house yesterday & what he said was a Bala Shark turned out to be a Rainbow Shark, not nearly as bad as I first thought, they only get to be up to 7 inches long.  He does have 7 Comets that are 3 to 4 inches long each, in that same 29 gallon tank.  I think I may have talked him into releasing them into his pond soon, not too sure though.  I guess we'll see.
At least none of ours is the worst. my friend has a 20gal with 10 (probably dead) goldfish in a tank that has so many algae, you can't even see inside. Not to mention, they haven't cleaned it in years.
wow i just wished that petstore would not allow the sale of fishes to a inadaqite? tank size.
It would be nice.  Part of my personal bias towards small shoaling fish is that they are appropriate for the vast majority of tanks that are sold in the hobby.  The "tank busting" fish sales far exceed the excessively huge tanks needed to hold them.
I'd be fine with that as long as they're nice about it.
Back in the day when I didn't know much about fish, I went to the pet store and told this lady I wanted to get some fish. (Can't remember which fish, it was for my moms tank). This is the conversation we had.
"What kind of fish do you have in your tank?"
So I started listing them, unaware it was wrong.
"I'm not going to give you any fish, your tank is waaay too stocked."
Umm... okay. (I think it was neon tetras I needed, I think we only had two.)
"But we need more neon tetras, we only have two and they need to be in schooling of six or more."
"FINE. Just this ONCE. Don't come back here again and ask for more fish."
???? Rude.
I respect she was trying to do the right thing but she didn't have to be so rude about it!
She could have just explained to me that the tank was getting too small for too many fish, and I might want to cut down on how many fish I got. That would have been much better than the sass-attack she gave me, sheesh.
Of course I'm going to get defensive if you say that, ugh.
I can't believe they still sell Common Plecos at Petco & Petsmart.  They know how big they grow I'm sure..................
yea but youd be sujprised how many sell every time i go there they sell and and always on sale for 1 dollar not to mention some of the people there got a plecos for their betta bowls
Scary stuff bro..........
They'll sell Torpedo Barbs (aka Redline Sharks) to folks with a 10 gallon tank.  In fact I'm pretty sure they don't even ask what size tank you have..............
Well these companies are in business to make money, I don't take that away from them.  It costs money to open a store, keep the lights on, insurance, etc.  Actually I blame the individuals who go to these stores and don't do their own research or ask questions on what fish they want for the particular size tank they have.  In this techno age we live in, where folks have access to the web through their phones, there's really no excuse except laziness for not looking up the requirements for whatever fish you want to buy.
Yup I agree 100% thats the way it should be really. People doing their own homework and research, then having a good idea what is suitable for their relevant tank size and set up. Certainly wouldn't hurt to have a few more knowledgeable staff on hand to advise rather than the failed McDonalds rejects with no knowledge or even any idea whats in the shop where they work......

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