Fish tank


May 2, 2004
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England (Bedfordshire)
Ok here is something i seem online while surfing the net

Unsual Gift items

Now yes that would be saving space, but look how think it is, what type of fish would you put in that size tank that they could live comfortable...

I can only think of Angels and Discus fish finding that a suitable tank, whats your opinions on this?
I think small fish like tetras or dwarf cichlids would like that ;) Angels and discus wouldn't be able to turn around very easily (Full grown angels and discus) :)
I think it'd work, it'd just be the equivalent to you living in your hallway.
That's all.

It's way better than most betta tanks I've seen for sale out there.
Its not cruel at all. It fine many fish would like it, fish less then a couple inches. And a member does have that tyoe of tank and it looks good and the fish are healthy. I think he has in his window.
I have actually seen one online that is thinner than that. It is the same company selling them but they are only 4" It was a "hang on the wall" type.
avabanana on here has a 5ft that only 6inch wide which sits on there window sil in the kitchen, as far as i know it does very well.

stocked with the right fish it's perfect for those small spaces you can't usally fit a tank!
Yeah i guess but look at it in my way, my tank is a foot wide, thats enough for a large majority of fish to turn around, but that one is half a foot wide, now in the wild though, fish have PLENTY of space and swim in all kind's of directions, i thought a fish keeper was supposed to make a tank as close as possible to what fish live in, in the wild, but it would be so hard to do that with a tank that thin, but thats my opinion again
my tank is a 1 foot deep and i got 3 angels in there... and there doing fine... aslong as they got space turn round they should be fine, it is 5 foot long and just over 2 foot deep my tank so they got plenty of room in other directions.

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