Fish Tank Stocking

that tank isnt big enough for a tang they get almost as big as ur tank is wide it will bearly be able to turn around when fully grown, same with copperband
It would take an absolutely beastly yellow tang to outgrow a tank the size of Betta5's (they rarely grow larger than 8''), and copperbands max out at around 6'', so these two would still be an option, especially in a 6' tank.

In reality, tangs don't need any bigger tanks than a similarly sized, relatively fast moving fish and contrary to popular belief most tangs (and almost all those we use for aquaria) are reef fish and stay away from open water. They do not get diseases, stressed, et cetera if they are kept in a tank that is under 'x' gallons; transfer to almost any aquarium from the ocean is a huge downgrade and a couple of gallons will not make a difference to the fish.

That said, I do generally recommend at least a 75 gallon tank for tangs because they do generally grow rather large; but seeing that Betta5's tank is in fact a six-footer a tang would probably do well in it.


Damn you Lynden :D I am in total confusion again, i was only going to do the tank SW because i wanted a yellow tang or copperband (this 2" one , .. anyway) and your post has made me want to do it as SW now (good thing). I was dead set on doing the tank as FW but i have been thinging for a few hours and my FW fish are fine where they are. I AM going to do it as SW now, no changing my mind... no i wont. jesus i change my mind more than the prices at ASDA!
Well i will look into yellow tangs and copperbands and im sure i can make something work. Maybe i can get my parents to buy me a bigger tank :p
Actually thanks for that post it has made my mind much clearer now.(no more changes sean!!!!!!!!)
Oh yeah and everyone can call me sean if they want or betta5 i dont really mind.
Thanks again.
Sean, snowflake eels are pebble toothed fish and as such have a difficult time holding on to slippery fish. Even small ones will rarely be eaten; however crabs (but not hermits; these should be fine) and non-cleaner shrimp will be crushed and consumed by the moray.
Sean, snowflake eels are pebble toothed fish and as such have a difficult time holding on to slippery fish. Even small ones will rarely be eaten; however crabs (but not hermits; these should be fine) and non-cleaner shrimp will be crushed and consumed by the moray.

thats good news then because i dont plan on keeping inverts. I didnt think they would eat fish but i always like to check. Many a time i have researched a fish for ages only to find out the bugger is unsutable for my tank. He gos on the maybe list then.

Thanks again Lynden
they will eat fish, but as long as ur fish are big enough that it cant swallow them it should be fine, chromis, ur clown, and firefish wouldnt be safe with it
they will eat fish, but as long as ur fish are big enough that it cant swallow them it should be fine, chromis, ur clown, and firefish wouldnt be safe with it

really? yeah thats why its in the maybe pile i haden't done any research. Well i really want one and maybe ima have to set up a 30 gallon or sommin for my smaller fish
I was looking at a getting a snowflake just yesterday. But I have two small clowns (2.5cm) in the tank already, and the shopkeeper advised against me getting the eel. From what I've researched, anything that can fit into an eels mouth is considered 'fair game'. Snowflakes generally eat non cleaner shrimps and other crustaceans, (their rounded, blunt teeth are designed for crushing prey) but do you want to risk it with your small fish?
In the end, my wife bought me a yellow tang instead! :hyper:
If the eel is well fed the risk of it eating even the smallest fish is virtually 0%.

Honestly I don't see where some people get their information.
I have a 2ft Snowflake in my Reef and he has never touched any of my fish

I wouldnt trust it with crabs or shrimps tho
it depends on the fish you have and how big the tank is, also if your going to have a snowflake youll have to have lots of pvc pipe stuctures for it to go in, since u wont be using liverock
I wanna scream!!!! my tank wont be here for 8 weeks they have to make it and let it set and then deliver it. I am getting the 48"x18"x18" (keep it simple, can always upgrade) and am just going to have a few small fish, maybe take my blackfin clown back and get some normal ones as he is bacoming very agressive. I was cleaning the tank 2day and was moving some rock around and my clown started attacking my hand. there is a tiny mark where he bit me, made me jump hehe!
all clowns will attack ur hand

... Blanket statement, as Lynden likes to call it.

You're saying that every single clownfish in the world will attack your hand.
Just because a few people have had clownfish bite them, doesn't mean they all will.
A dead clownfish won't. Neither will a clownfish in the wild, most likely.
I've watched the people at my LFS net clowns, none of the other ones attacked them.
Maybe some will attack someones hand. Or, maybe they're trying to EAT their hand. Which is different than attacking it.

Point is, there's many many many ways to make that statement false. So why should anyone believe you when you say it? ;)

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