Fish Tank Maintenance

My usual water changes, filter, & tank maintainance takes around 4 hours, I usually hit them all on the weekend. 350 gallons, give or take, between 14 tanks. Fry tanks get maintainance daily, or a few times weekly, depending on how old the fry are. That's usually no more than half an hour per day.

another way to help catch snails faster is to put a little lettuce leaf in before you go to bed and in the morning there will be snails all over it and you take it out.

It takes me about 3 hours if i do everybody in one day which is rare because i usually plan on doing it all at once but get too tired or my back startrs hurting from lugging buckets all over the place so i end up doing the bettas the next day. But i just got a python today so this should be faster and less painstakingly exhausting on my back :D
It takes me about 15 mins. to 30mins to do ALL my tanks. I syphon all my tanks except for the 1 gallon tanks. Change all of the water for the betta tanks, and clean the 10gallon with a algae scrubber and syphon the gravel, then of course refill it with fresh water.
Takes me about an hour a week to gravel vac, refill, and prune. The only reason it takes that long is my spare water resevoir is only 6" off the ground and takes ages to syphon out. Easy life really.

Every week i would spend around 15 minutes taking out snails (I have a snail problem at the mo) and i would clean the glass. But every 3 or 4 weeks I do a 50% water change and clean out my filter.

Part of your snail problem could be your cleaning routine. Excess food can cause a snail population explosion. If you arent' doing a gravel vac and water change weekly, there could be a lot of left over food for them

Yeh I guess, I do do the gravel vac every 3 or 4 weeks, but i understand what you mean... I would do it more often its just I need help from my Dad and he doesn't like to do it to often! :S


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