New Member
I have a 40 gallon tank with 5 Serpae Tetras, 3 Yellow Panchax, 4 Cory Cats, a Dwarf Gourami, and a Leopard Ctenopoma (I will eventually move him as hes getting a bit big and maybe the killis when they get larger). Right now my tank looks empty because the Panchax are at the top, the Leopard Ctenopoma hides in the leaves waiting to ambush, and there Serpae are mid/bottom level and Corys stay towards the bottom so I have little movement in the middle of the tank.
I cant have anything too streamline(like zebra danios) because they will be eaten, and I cant have anything too small(about 1/2 inch body length) due to the same reason. I love my Leopard Ctenopoma and I dont have the resources to move him yet so Im trying to find something compatible that will also compliment the Serpaes.
I was thinking Emperor Tetras as they are a little deeper bodied and get to be about 2 inches but I havent been able to locate them at a decent size so far. I dont want primarily silver fish as they dont interest me much nor another mostly red fish. Any suggestions for another schooling fish for mid/top level of the tank?
I cant have anything too streamline(like zebra danios) because they will be eaten, and I cant have anything too small(about 1/2 inch body length) due to the same reason. I love my Leopard Ctenopoma and I dont have the resources to move him yet so Im trying to find something compatible that will also compliment the Serpaes.
I was thinking Emperor Tetras as they are a little deeper bodied and get to be about 2 inches but I havent been able to locate them at a decent size so far. I dont want primarily silver fish as they dont interest me much nor another mostly red fish. Any suggestions for another schooling fish for mid/top level of the tank?