Fish suggestions

ive had my neons for almost a month and they still tend to school on occasion, mostly when feeding. the problem is not actually that they get "settled" i believe that the problem would be in the tank size... if there is not a big open area for them to school in...they wont :D

FishNiX said:
ive had my neons for almost a month and they still tend to school on occasion, mostly when feeding. the problem is not actually that they get "settled" i believe that the problem would be in the tank size... if there is not a big open area for them to school in...they wont :D

I think it's considered a fact that neons only school when they feel threatend. I think this would happen in a tank with a big open area too.

Of course I could be wrong, just saying. :)
yeah the bigger the space the more they will shoal......and if you have a larger group they will look more like they are shoaling anyway!! Black neons look great in a large group, especially with the colourful fish yo mention :thumbs:
Thanks for the suggestions. My LFS (all 3 of them) don't have a great selection of Tetras, but I may get some panda cories and otocinclus. I heard that cories and clown loaches don't get along; is this true? They do have rummynose tetras; I may get a couple of those.
Edit: I'm keeping a 3" blood parrot cichlid for a few months for my dad; are they predators?
Will this go in your 32 gallon tank? If so, then you will probably be overstocked. The normal rule is 1" of fish for each 1 gallon, which applies to fish 3" or under. Larger fish, go along with 1" for each 5 gallons of water, which is the same the Marine stocking guide.
Yenko said:
Edit: I'm keeping a 3" blood parrot cichlid for a few months for my dad; are they predators?
Well, the fish they were created from are definitely aggressive (although not in the sense "predators") bust most people say that they don't show the same characteristics of the fish they were hybridized from.

Besides the fact that glass fish often die in aquariums due to dying( as in dye), most people don't also realize that they are Brackish fish (live in partially salted estuaries) and need a bit of sea salt to survive. :)
Please keep in mind, CAE's get aggressive as they get older and tend to suck the slime on larger fish.

Please also keep in mind the stocking guide. An improperly overstocked tank will cause...
- Elevated ammonia
- Elevated nitrate
- Low oxygen levels
- Harassment from other fish
- Lack of hiding places
- Lack of enough fish to provide schooling

According to PetEducation "Stress and Fish Health", the above listed are some of the causes of fish stress. According to the same link, it states the following..
Stress is accompanied by the release of the hormone cortisol, which is responsible for many of the negative health effects associated with stress. In addition to having a negative effect on growth, reproduction, and digestion, chronic stress will also lower the ability of the immune system to respond effectively and fully. This lowered immune response is what allows parasites, bacteria, and fungi to infect a stressed fish and cause disease and death.

Therefore, an overstocked tank will lead to stressed fish and death or illnesses.
I think your original suggestion of trying danios is a great idea. I have a small school of zebra danios and absolutely love them! Tetras I love too but if you want small fish that are very energetic and fun, these are the fish to choose :fun: (bought mine at 50 cents each!- Petsmart)

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