Fish suggestions


Fish Addict
Feb 5, 2004
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The Great White North
Every fish in my tank except a chinese alage eater and an apisto are oarnge, red or yellow. I'd like some small schooling fish that aren't any of those colors. I'm considering Zebra Danios or some sort of tetra.
I love Tetras. There are many beautiful tetras out there. My favorite are Serpae tetras(they are red though) and Congo Tetras. I have 6 Black Skirt tetras and they look pretty cool when in a schoal. They also look really good in a planted tank. They also learn quite well, my cherry barbs taught them how to eat algea wafers LOL :lol:

albino cories are off-white, and they interact with each other all the time. they're a lot of fun to watch
Gabe, you are the man!! Hehe, Serpae and Congo tetras are some of my fav. tetras also! LOL!! Yenko, the possibilities are endless...well, almost, also depends on your wallet eh? Tetras are a great choice though! No regrets there! You have to be sure to school them in at least 3 fish, but more is better...way better. Rummynose are great also! Scissortail rosabora are interesting to boot! Otocinclus are a great little algae eater with lots of personality. White cloud might not be a bad idea either...but not sure if they would be big enough not to get eaten. All species of cories are awesome! Great fun! How about some loaches? Kuhli loaches are great! Dojo(weather) loaches are also rather interesting. Give it whir, its your tank!
Thanks PereguineFalcon, but actually I'm the Woman lol. Actually, I don't take offence to being called the man :lol: Anyhow, I agree that more than 3 tetras are better. Mine didn't really school until I got 5 of them, but now they stick together a lot more. Also, I got Panda cories and they are to adorable for words. Very active little critters and as mentioned there are so many different kinds. I would suggest cories for just about anyone. Also, they need 3 or more to be really happy.

:D they also have painted glass tetras, come in pink,green blue,yellow,even purple, love em, and they are very colorful
littlefisher said:
:D they also have painted glass tetras, come in pink,green blue,yellow,even purple, love em, and they are very colorful
i believe these fish are injected with dye to give them their colour. it is BAD for the fish. please don't buy these fish as it will only encourage the practice to continue
littlefisher said:
:D they also have painted glass tetras, come in pink,green blue,yellow,even purple, love em, and they are very colorful
DO NOT BUY THESE FISH GOSH!...MAN ONLY BUY FISH When u kno how they are orginated....

ps caps got screw in da beginning

EDIT: no offence tho, if u didnt kno now u's really cruel how they grt their colors :-(

By the way..... :hi: to the forums! :kana:
:eek: thanks a bunch for the info did not realize they were injected, geesh lol i dont own em only have seen them in lps, thanks a bunch, ty for the warm welcome, also waitin on swordtail fry, soon i hope thanks
try penguin tetra ,they are silvery white with a black stripe. thay stand out a mile with a dark background and are very lively
white clouds are awesome... i think they should be fine as long as they are close to adulthood when you introduce them... get a bunch, they like company ;)

be aware that they are a cold water species, but will tolerate tropical temperatures...
I like corys for schooling. I think neons don't school after a time when they are settled as they only do it when they are threatened.

I also liek clown loaches. :)
I should have added the reason black neon tetras would would look good in your aquarium is that black would look awesome with the orange and yellow fish that you have! All the fish would play off each other in terms of colour.

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