Fish Store Pictures

Most fish stores do not like having anything in their tanks except fish since it is easier to catch the fish for buyers so it makes since that most tanks are bare but it is nice to see a good looking display tank . My LFS has just a couple display tanks.
My LFS has decor in all of their tanks. Even the saltwater ones.

My LFS is great, I'll have to upload some pictures fro m my iPad later. :)
My LFS has decor in all of their tanks. Even the saltwater ones.

My LFS is great, I'll have to upload some pictures fro m my iPad later. :)
That sounds cool, would like to see the pictures, There is a LFS about an hour plus drive from here that has old fashion tanks and some really nice displays. If I ever get there again I will try and remember to take some photos.
Here are some photos from my LFS. (Please note: They have changed a lot of stuff around, but I don’t have updated pictures. It’s still cool)

Here is where they keep all of their bettas, pea puffers, danios, etc. The bettas get their own filtered/heated 0.5g tank:

Here is a lion fish they had th once:

My LFS also sells reptiles:


Here is their “Big fish” tank. It usually has huge Pleco’s, piranhas, and Arowanas:


And last but not least, here is their really cool amphibian tank terrarium:

(They sell poison dart frogs, it’s so cool!)

I sometimes do business with the owner. I sell him shrimp and plants.

Like I said, they moved a lot of things around and added a lot more tanks. They have a whole saltwater section growing live coral. They also have a big cool reef setup. I will try to get more pictures next time I go. Hope you enjoyed!
I have two LFS where I live one is a chain store and I don't like that as much the other one which is not a chain store and I think the workers are more friendly there but neither have display tanks.
I have two LFS where I live one is a chain store and I don't like that as much the other one which is not a chain store and I think the workers are more friendly there but neither have display tanks.
That is how it is typically...

For the smaller LFS workers, it’s a passion/hobby. For the chain workers, it’s just a job.
Is the center left picture in your LFS? I'm pretty sure I've seen that tank scaped on YouTube.

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