Fish Stocking


Jul 26, 2004
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Gloucester (England)
Now, what cool fish can i have in a tank which is 2ft by 1ft by 1ft?

I want fish to be in there and not have to worry about them over sizing the tank :rolleyes:.

I would perfer different and cool fish, as normal tropical fish bore me to much :cool:.

Also with your listed fish... could you post what sort of equipment i would need to keep them...

Thanks alot!
Livebearers, such as Guppies and/or Platys and Swordtails and Neons/Cardinal tetras would show off your tank nicely. Always have odd numbers of fish, it is asthestically more pleasing to the eye.
If you put some plants in with the tank and some natural decorations it should make a pleasing eyepiece. For the size tank you describe an internal filtration system such as a UG or any of the internal "suck on's" would suffice.
Dragonslair said:
Livebearers, such as Guppies and/or Platys and Swordtails and Neons/Cardinal tetras would show off your tank nicely. Always have odd numbers of fish, it is asthestically more pleasing to the eye.
If you put some plants in with the tank and some natural decorations it should make a pleasing eyepiece. For the size tank you describe an internal filtration system such as a UG or any of the internal "suck on's" would suffice.
So one of the plastic thingys which go under gravel, with a pipe on one side?

There like £6 if thats what you mean?

Also you reckon i could easily house 10 of those fish in total?

Edit: Also would it be possible for me to house a couple of "Pictus Catfish" or would they grow to big? I would imagin obviously if i were to have them i wouldnt be able to have the other fish?
Could i stock my tank up with:
"Platy's" If so how many?
"Balloon Molly's" If so how many?
"Black Molly's" If so how many?
"24 carat gold Molly" If so how many?
"Silver Lyre-Tail Molly" If so how many?

If i can stock up with all of those fish, what would be the best numbers of each to have?

I was thinking of an internal, i want something to be mega quiet, as i know i wont sleep otherwise.

Im alright with water noise's, but i dont want a pump humming lol.
As far as stocking levels a good guideline is one inch of adult fish per gallon of water. You have about a 15 gallon tank (US) so about 15" of adult fish. Just look up you r fish to see their full grown size and go froom there. When looking at livebearers you should stock with 2 females for each male of the same species. HTH :)

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