Fish Stock Compatibility Advice


Mostly New Member
Jul 22, 2013
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Hi just finished cycling my 300 ltr tank and was bought 4 tiger barbs and 4 glowlight tetras my daughters and their gran. The tigers are feisty little buggers and we're harassing the tetras, so I bought 5 more tigers. They have calmed down now and seem quite happy and have stopped harassing the tetras. Can anyone suggest other fish which will be compatible with the tigers, I am really looking for bright colourful fish, but unsure of compatibility with the tigers.
Any advise would be great. Cheers
Nothing with long traily fins, guppies, no, bettas, no, most gouramies, no, tetras and other barbs are probably your safest bet. Loaches will be left alone, most of the time...
Tek oot.
Cheers tek, pretty limited then? You say most gouramies.... Are there some suitable?
I've kept tiger barbs with blue and gold gouramis and they left each other alone, I also had bala sharks (but they were a pain and I'm not sure if you'd want them), cichlids, and some sort of tetra I cant remember all in the tank with the tigers and they left them all alone as long as there were always 4+ tiger barbs.
EDIT: the tetras were red minor tetras
Thanks.....Would angels be a no no then.....?
I had three in with my tigers, but they bullied one so bad I had to give him his own tank, one went into hiding, and the other died... so I'd advise against it.
Damn..... What about some emperor and lemon tetras?
I wouldn't mix Tiger Barbs with anything but other Tiger Barbs tbh - probably Red Tailed Shark is the best bet if you want something else.
You did right increasing the shoal number but anything that isn't full of attitude and has got fins to nip I just wouldn't bother.
FallynLeigh said:
I also had bala sharks (but they were a pain and I'm not sure if you'd want them).
Just in response to the Bala Sharks, OP, whether you wanted them or not, they would not be suitable for your tank unfortunately, they need a tank at least 12ft x 3ft x 3ft, some would even say bigger.
I would increase the number of Glowlights too, they do best in schools of at least 6. :)
Blondielovesfish said:
I also had bala sharks (but they were a pain and I'm not sure if you'd want them).
Just in response to the Bala Sharks, OP, whether you wanted them or not, they would not be suitable for your tank unfortunately, they need a tank at least 12ft x 3ft x 3ft, some would even say bigger.
I would increase the number of Glowlights too, they do best in schools of at least 6. 
Ahh, yeah mine got to be about 7 inches and boy could they jump!  I figured they needed a bigger tank, but wow!! thats huge! Thanks on clarifying that for the OP!!
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FallynLeigh said:


I also had bala sharks (but they were a pain and I'm not sure if you'd want them).
Just in response to the Bala Sharks, OP, whether you wanted them or not, they would not be suitable for your tank unfortunately, they need a tank at least 12ft x 3ft x 3ft, some would even say bigger.
I would increase the number of Glowlights too, they do best in schools of at least 6. 
Ahh, yeah mine got to be about 7 inches and boy could they jump!  I figured they needed a bigger tank, but wow!! thats huge! Thanks on clarifying that for the OP!!
{edit: quote didn't show up first time}


Yes and 6+ of them too, shoaling fish.
Problem is with Tiger Barbs, is they'll attack most things with long fins, while at the same time outcompeting smaller and more timid fish, like has been said before, if anything else is added it will need to have oomph. What you've effectively got is a semi-aggressive tank, the glowlights...might do ok...but will most likely me startled by the tigers. You DEFINITELY want to get more glowlights, with that size tank as many as 20 maybe, because then they'll feel a lot safer. I think Corys would probably be ok, as would most plecos, but those Tigers do really cut down on your options.
Tek oot.
Thanks for the info guys....... More glow lights is on the agenda, I will also look at what options I have with Cory's

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