Fish Staying Near Top Of My Tank?

I don't have one. They started acting funny after the water change.
Did you add water de-chlorinator when you did water change?
I suggest taking some water out of your tank so your filter splashes like a water fall and see if that helps increase the oxygen in your tank.
Too late. He died. 
Sorry to hear of your loss 

But i'd still suggest doing what i suggested or Wildbetta's suggestion to lower tank water to create surface agitation to oxygenate the water otherwise your other fish may start getting affected....
Ch4rlie said:
What does it mean if your fish have red gills? My two Shubunkins do, Although they're Translucent, so im not sure if it is what is inside their gills? That's what i always thought 
Difficult to tell without seeing a pic, it COULD be natural markings, or it COULD be ammonia/nitrite poisoning as symptoms of this is red gills and gasping.

The marks near his face are scratches on the Tank, im not sure weather this is natural or not? its always been like this and ive had them 8 years now, he is Shubunkin x Common goldfish
You've been asked a few times if the surface of your water is rippleing? This is important as this is how your fish get air. Yes or no ?
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It is a little bit. Sorry for the delay, I was too busy crying :(
And you say you not long done a water change?

Should be enough oxygen in the water then.( you could increase it just to be safe)
I did a water change and added a new glo rock the other day.
Maybe ammonia spike/poison
As your tank been set up long?

I'd do a big water change, remember to treat the water and watch the temperature.

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