Fish Scared And Unhappy, Need Advice.....


New Member
Jan 6, 2007
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Hi all, big thanks to any help you all can provide.

I just started my first tank back in October. It was a 28 gallon (24inHx18inWx12inD) starter kit from PetSmart, and has been fairly trouble free.

I've been learning about checking and adjusting the water quality - so far, so good.

But alas my fish are pretty stressed I think, with the light on they pretty much hide and head for the corners. I bought some fake plants to give them some hiding spots, but because my tank is fairly tall and not wide, I feel alot of plants ruins the look of the tank and clutters it.

Obviously from my pictures, you'll see it's pretty bare right now and needs some help. (I know it sucks, so please be nice)

I don't know all the names of the fish I have, but I just got a bala shark (yes, I just read you should get them in multiples and use in bigger tanks (stupid fish store)), I have some Neons, and I can't remember the names of the rest.

They all seem healthy, none have died, but they hardly swim above the bottom (except the new fish I got which live at the top)

Any suggestions you can provide to help me build a safe and happy environment for them would be very appreciated.

Also, should get a longer tank? I really dislike the tall tank and I didn't know better when I bought it.




Made some changes, gave the barb's to a friend of mine.....(still have the BALA, no one to give to yet)




They're probably stressed because of the small tank. If your water params are perfect then that's my best guess.

In general, for most fish, tall tanks aren't as good as the length and depth.

The Bala Shark you have will spook so easily being in a small tank and being alone. This could probably lead to the other fish being frightened when they see him doing it.

It sounds like from your post that you sense everything I just mentioned, though.

I would get a bigger tank, take the Bala back and add the plants back in. Even though they may be unsightly to you, it will make the fish feel safer which in turn will make them happier and healthier and probably spook much less.

You're learning and it's obvious you care a lot or wouldn't bother asking on here. Good luck.
the current for that size of tank kinda seems strong. and the fish look slightly overstocked. what i suggest, personally, would be to go a different direction with your tank. instead of a deorative look with all those clay things, get live plants, maby a pile of shells. i know small fish like to swim in small shells.

these are just small suggestions. and i would definatly say, if some fish die, don't get any more for that tank. the bigger the better. and that shark may not be getting along with the smaller fish. i've heard they can be kinda bullyish.

EDIT: fishkiller is right. don't like get rid of the stuff. just add some plants. and 'grass' around the trees

maby put some plants just in the back to giv it a nice background, plants to help fish hide, and not take up much room in the rest of the tank so the fish can still have plenty of freespace.
Thanks all.

I made some changes, added a "line" of grass in the back, and took out the palm trees.....(I don't really like them)

As soon as I did, the fish started to swim around much more and come out.....(although it was with the light off). I wonder if the light hood and bulb that came with the setup is a bit too bright.......other tanks I've seen where the fish seem happy are less bright.........

How important is the bubble wand? Are their better ways to "oxyginate" the water??? Is my filter's water return enough for the system?

Keep the idea's coming, I really appreciate it.

I plan on adding some rock areas and fake plants that the fish can hide in....but what about live plants?

Is it worth it to add live plants as a beginner? I heard they can be a challenge to maintain.

Thanks in advance,

I would urge against that bala shark (tri-color). Just bring it back to petsmart and pick out another fish, because it will get to be to big, and cause problems in your tank.

Live plants would be good, but getting the right plants in low light . But looking at what your tank could be, looks like you may have 2 18W lights or 2 24W lights. Which should be good for a lot of plants out there. Check out this post for some good plants to check out.

And having them swim on the bottom is a good thing because you are adding a lot of O2 to the tank with the airstone. (Airstones may not be good in a live planted as plants breathe in co2 and exhale o2).

Looks like the fish are hiding more away from the light, so try adding some bigger shade plants (fake or live) or some caves and places to get away from the light would be good.

Good luck on your tank ;)
I would urge against that bala shark (tri-color). Just bring it back to petsmart and pick out another fish, because it will get to be to big, and cause problems in your tank.

Live plants would be good, but getting the right plants in low light . But looking at what your tank could be, looks like you may have 2 18W lights or 2 24W lights. Which should be good for a lot of plants out there. Check out this post for some good plants to check out.

And having them swim on the bottom is a good thing because you are adding a lot of O2 to the tank with the airstone. (Airstones may not be good in a live planted as plants breathe in co2 and exhale o2).

Looks like the fish are hiding more away from the light, so try adding some bigger shade plants (fake or live) or some caves and places to get away from the light would be good.

Good luck on your tank ;)

Well, I got it at a local pet store, not sure if I can take him back....I'll call and check.

The light is a single 17watt tube in the hood.....
IMO here are your problems. First off theres no hiding places get some rocks fake caves etc. Second take out the air rock its not needed and looks to be causing to much water current. If you want one get a smaller one. Second your bala needs a bigger tank (55 gallon) at least tell he gets big. Also is that a tin foil I see if so he will get to big for that tank and he grows fast. Also the balas need two be at least in pairs and so do tin foils. Balas will grow 13 + inchs and tin foil barbs will grow 10 + inchs.
IMO here are your problems. First off theres no hiding places get some rocks fake caves etc. Second take out the air rock its not needed and looks to be causing to much water current. If you want one get a smaller one. Second your bala needs a bigger tank (55 gallon) at least tell he gets big. Also is that a tin foil I see if so he will get to big for that tank and he grows fast. Also the balas need two be at least in pairs and so do tin foils. Balas will grow 13 + inchs and tin foil barbs will grow 10 + inchs.

Cool, I moved some stuff around and they seem to be doing a bit better. I think I have 2 tin foils, but the pet store said they wouldn't grow that big......sigh.

I bought the fish at the local pet store, I might end up going to Pet Smart as they seem to be a bit more adept to helping new people pick out proper fish.

I'm gonna get a bunch of rocks and caves and plants.

I'll take some pics after I get it setup.

Rocker: I think you have mixed your O2 and CO2. CO2 is oxygen, am I correct? Plants release oxygen.

Mackie: You do have some glo light Tetras, I think. They are good with the neons. Tetras make a nice mid level fish in a medium tank. They need places to hide and also room to swim in the open. When you are rid of the Sharks and Barbs, you might look into a bottom fish like a few Cories. They are hardy and personable, if the tank is peaceful.

Caves will make a good addition.

You might concider 1 focus fish to replace the shark. People often chose a Ram, a smaller Gourami, etc. You would need to research to find the fish that matches what you want your tank to be.
Interesting thread.

Rocker: I think you have mixed your O2 and CO2. CO2 is oxygen, am I correct?
CO2 = Carbon Dioxide. O2 - Oxygen. CO2 is NOT Oxygen. Plants take in CO2 and convert it to Carbon, this is the basic building block / structure / bulk of plants along with H20 (water). Your correct re: plants release 02 (oxygen).

To any newbie, I would say for now do NOT keep plants. 'Easy' plants to keep... the term is relative, in other words 'easier' to keep than 'hard' plants, but overall, still an awful lot to know! Keeping certain kinds of easy to maintain fish is on a scale of difficulty from 1 to 10, at about 2. Keeping even the 'easiest' of plants comes in at about a 7 or 8.

I agree with the others posting wih regards spotting the fish that are unsuitable for your tank. Do yourself and the fish a big favour and take them back. Replace them with similar fish to what is already in there. Many fish do best in similar groupings of 6 individuals and above. This will also greatly calm your fish! So 6 neons minimum. 6 Cardinals minimum.

I know this sounds boring and that most people just want to get 20 different varied fish in there, but as you've seen, 20 varied fish all hiding at the back of the tank is pretty bloody boring and not a 'happy' sight. Conversely, 20 neons shoaling around, nosing at things, coming out to see you, going nuts at feeeding time is NOT boring!

In smaller setups keeping it simple is always the most effective. Hell, one of the experts on this forum has just set up a monster tank in Beverly Hills. One thousand, six hundred neons (plus others species, not just neons). But imagine what 1,600 neons must look like in a shoal!!!!

Also remember the golden rule most people I say most not all people who work in pet stores don't know what there talking about. Its best to do research instead of taking advise from them. :good:
Oh, and is that your heater mounted vertically?

They need to be at an angle of about 45° so change it from | to /
Keep an eye on the water temperature when you do this as it may go down so the heater may need readjusting.

Interesting thread.

Rocker: I think you have mixed your O2 and CO2. CO2 is oxygen, am I correct?
CO2 = Carbon Dioxide. O2 - Oxygen. CO2 is NOT Oxygen. Plants take in CO2 and convert it to Carbon, this is the basic building block / structure / bulk of plants along with H20 (water). Your correct re: plants release 02 (oxygen).


:blush: :blush: :blush: Oops! Although, I suppose, actually, oxygen is O and dioxygen is O2
That's where I checked the O2. lol Not planning to get too technical with an engineer by day. :hey: so I give--Uncle! :lol:

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