Fish Sale At Lfs


Fish Herder
Tank of the Month 🏆
Apr 6, 2013
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 My LFS is having a 40% off sale on all fish this Friday!
I have a 55gl SW reef tank with 2 canister filters and 50lb of rock that is mature and I believe is now more stable than ever. It has a six line wrasse, a clown fish and a green chromis.
What I would like to get is 2 pajama cardinals and 3 blue damsels. Would that be ok to get? If not what would be ok to get?
2 PJs...maybe. Be ready to remove one if they don't get along. I have an example in my 55gal's journal of a pair not working out. Started out fine and went sour after what I think might have been courtship behavior didn't work out. When they have a falling out, one pecks at the other and pushes it around all day, which is not good. Other people are able to keep them with no trouble; it's hit and miss with the individual fish and their genders (good luck determining that!).
Clowns and damsels in a tank this size is asking for trouble. Best to stay away from the damsels if you don't want to risk lots of fish drama as they settle in.
If the damsels are yellow tail blue damsels you'll be okay with two of them, not three. These particular damsels should be fine with the clowns as well. As it is you would need to make sure there was a nice cave or overhand at each end of the tank for them.
There is a huge difference among temperament in yellow tail blue damsel and blue damsels or blue devils as they are sometimes called. Be sure you get the more mild yellow tail. If it's not that particular damsel, I recommend you simply don't get it at all and stick with 1 PJ and the pair of clowns and go for some other type of fish.
Ok thanks you guys. I thought I had read that PJ's needed more than one in a tank to be happy. One it is if I do get it.
What about a domino damsel? The yellowtail is what I was thinking about, but I was wondering what the domino damsel is like. The reasons I am interested in these fish that I have named are that they are active and pretty, do well in 55gl, and are cheap and hardy. I don't know about compatibility though. I would like to get another clown but they are a little pricy for me ATM.
So I am getting the idea that one PJ and 2 yellowtails would be ok? Maybe the yellowtails and a domino?
Pretty much if you name 3 or 4 fish that I can afford to get tomorrow, those will be the fish I will get. Thanks guys.
Dominos are big as damsels going and absolute psychopaths in my experience
 definitely prettier species out there...
I really like Alleni (Blue Star) Damsels for being 'mostly' ok in terms of cohabiting the same tank without turning into nutcases..
Yeah I just did a quick search on domino damsels. Forget I mentioned them Lol. 6 inches long and highly aggressive AND they lose those spots. No way!
The Blue star is interesting though. I couldn't find anything on if they lose their colors or if they need groups. Do you have anymore info on them?
Its been my experience that almost all marine fish are at least semi-aggressive. Are all these fish just hit and miss?

When I say a PJ cardinal I am talking about Sphaeramia nematoptera. I also saw it called the spotted cardinalfish is why I am bringing it up.
Bangaii and PJ cardinals are odd in that they seem to do okay as a single or a mated pair but if not that then you need several.
Alleni/Blue Star Damsels are...well... typical damsels!! Just... not so psychotic... they are still... territorial... they *love* their caves and tunnels!!
Don't expect them to shoal and love each other... have lots of caves (same with all damsels) and have odd numbers (3 would be best imo in your tank) and add them after your other fish... they will be fine... they are lovely... just.. don't put them in, let them settle then add more fish lol
I got one PJ cardinal and 2 yellowtail damsels. I also got 6 pygmy corys for my 10gl shrimp tank. They charged me wrong. I only got charged for 1 PJ, 1 damsel, and 1 cory. I didn't realize it till it donned on me that I should have paid more than 22$ for 9 fish and looked at the receipt when I got home. Should I go back and pay for them?
I would. They will appreciate the honestly and respect you when you come visit in the future. And you'll feel good about yourself for doing the right thing. Sure, it was their mistake, but you know it was a mistake. :)

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